Saturday, April 24, 2010

Running recap April 19 - 24

I don't know my weight. Let's just say we need to buy a scale. I can't get over to the gym today to weigh myself.

On Monday I swam 30 minutes. I did legs for 15 minutes, rotation for 10 minutes and did actual laps using the kick board for form for 5 minutes. I am really getting the hang of it. I am so excited. It is TONS easier than when I tried to swim laps when we lived in Gary. That lesson with Kim helped so much.

On Tuesday my mom came and I was hoping to get out and run before we left for the conference in the afternoon. Did not happen. Too much to do. My mom helps me so much while she's here. She did practically six loads of laundry. I don't feel right in saying, "Here watch all three kids for an hour so I can go to the gym" when she is doing above and beyond already. It was also very hard sticking to the points on Tuesday and the duration of the conference. I started out pretty good. I would give myself a C- overall. It's not that I was tempted by a lot of sweets and I drank zero sugar pop. I have not any sugar pop in over a month now. It's more like only eating restaurant food and not having many choices. Leaving the conference I am given a box lunch. Almost all the things in it are a lot of points. I want to eat it because I know I am not going to eat again for a couple of hours. It's all I have to eat at the moment. It really stinks!

Exercise also stunk. There was a very scary exercise room in our hotel and the treadmill was not even working. I could have gone outside running in Vancouver. There were AWESOME running paths. Again I did not want to leave Kara with my mom because she was helping above and beyond her call of duty. She took Kara all of Wednesday evening so I could go to the evening sessions and not put Kara in the nursery (she was not doing as well in the nursery on Wednesday). She even put her to bed. She made up bottles, changed diapers etc. She took her all of Thursday afternoon and skipped the plenary session and small group discussion. I did sign up for the dance session on Thursday and we did folk dancing. It was incredibly awesome and we danced for an hour and a half. I did work up a sweat and felt like I exercised. Plus my mom and I walked with Kara in the stroller through Stanley Park for an hour in the evening. So I did get some exercise. But that was it.

With starting to get back into bad eating and not exercising, I felt my mood going out the window too. I felt crummy this morning. I really felt border line depressed because of it. Thankfully I stuck to the points today. It makes such a difference being at home! I am also learning it's not neccessarily the foods you eat, but the portion sizes. I am finding myself cutting things in half or eating more of the 0-1 point foods and smaller sizes of the larger point foods. I am slowly figuring it out and it's not as easy as I thought it would be!

Today I ran three miles. I did my two mile course and extended it down Ash to Ewald and back up to Liberty. I started off feeling a little stiff and weak. But within five minutes, I felt super strong again and great. It was a "good running day." But I am kind of bummed I may not be able to make it to the gym until Wednesday. So lots of outside running until then. I really wanted to get back in the pool and do weights before then. That's the way the schedule looks right now.

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