Monday, February 27, 2012

Marathon Training Week #4

Monday - Ran 3 miles, 10 minutes of stretching & abs

Sore throat is still there, but does not seem to be getting worse. It's a mild cold. I think Hailey is almost over it and Derek too. Not stressing over it. It did affect my running. My chest felt tighter and I could not breathe as well. My legs are still sore. I felt better once I hit the second mile. The sun was out. It got quite a bit cooler, but I'll take the sun. I think today was the only day we're supposed to have sun all week. Enjoy it while we can.

I restarted my gym membership. I also bought a mesh vest for running in the dark--will be much safer when I run in the mornings. The sun is starting to come out earlier, but it's still quite dark at 6:00 AM. I also got headphones so I can watch TV while I do the treadmills at the gym. I'm only planning on doing the treadmill once a week if that and not at all for long runs. I'm hoping to use the gym for mostly weights and cross training.

Tuesday - Ran 6 miles & 10 minutes of stretching & abs

So impressed with myself I got up at 5:53, out of bed by 5:57 and running by 6:08. I ran the Kuebler to Commercial route to Madras and back. It went really well. I felt better than yesterday. Thankfully it did not start raining today until around 9 AM so thankful I missed it! It was cool and cloudy, but no rain. The kids want to go to LIMEberry tonight so I might go over the calories slightly. I have not taken since the summer so figure it's a good time. My coupon expires today. Still trying to eat healthy as much as possible.

Wednesday - Ran 6 miles on the treadmill

My throat is still not good. I am pretty sure it's not strep. It's raspy and I have a cold. My appetite is normal and I have no fever. It's taking it's time to go away. I am not running in the mornings until it is fully gone and it's not snowing anymore. So I went to the gym at 8 PM and decided to do the 6 miler I planned on doing on Thursday.

Wow I can actually run on a treadmill now without feeling like I am going to keel over. I still don't like it as much as outside. Watching the Food Network and exercising with other people around me was a nice break from the normal routine. I ran at mostly a 6.5 speed and 1 incline.

I also weighed myself on a more accurate scale and I'm down to 124. I have lost about 9-10 pounds since right before Christmas. I've been working pretty hard.

Thursday - 3 miles (hills)

Ugh, this sore throat will not go away. It's only bad in the mornings and at night. I thought about not running at all today and certainly not do hills. But I ran OK even with the bad throat. It's just annoying to have a raspy throat all day and cough. I need to get over it. I ran up the Boone hills. They were tough--they're always tough. I made it. I was way too warm. With the snow coming this morning, I thought it would be really cold outside. It warmed up so fast. I could have worn shorts and a t-shirt again. People in Michigan say their weather is unpredictable, but it's not like here. I don't know anywhere where you can have a snow day (all the schools were closed) and the roads are icy in the morning. And the kids are playing in the snow. Then by lunch time everything is starting to melt, it's warm, and people aren't wearing coats.

Newport Marathon filled so it looks like I won't be running that one. If it doesn't fill up in the next two weeks or so, I hope to do Rock and Roll Seattle. The cool thing is I will run a marathon in a new state. So far I have run marathons in Oregon and California. It will be a new course. I am told Rock and Roll marathons are really fun. The downside is I would be back to Week #1. I am sticking with the current plan as or right now. I will probably repeat the weeks in March when we were Disney and possibly repeat the week in April when I am in Grand Rapids. I will probably miss a couple runs those week so I'll just repeat the week. I think this gives me a little more freedom in the training anyway. I hope Seattle doesn't fill up. I don't have many more options except for waiting until September. One of the teachers at Hailey's school is doing Rock and Roll Seattle as well.

Friday - Cross Training - Swimming & Jumping on the trampolines

I swam with the kick board for about 20 minutes. Then I practiced the front crawl for about 15--whoa I need some help. Hoping to start swim lessons later in the summer/fall. For now any practice is good. I tread water for about 20 minutes in the warm pool. Later that evening I took the middle schoolers to Sky High sports and jumped with them on the trampolines for a half hour. They lasted the whole hour--they have way more energy than I do!! I was afraid of bending of breaking something! My body is not quite the same anymore as theirs.

Saturday - Rest Day

Sunday - Rest Day -- no running :(

My throat has gotten worse. The last 36 hours have not been good. Swallowing is starting to hurt more--not like when I had strep. I feel like I have a tickle in it. I cough sometimes. I am not overly tired or fatigued. I am not going to run until it feels better. Because I am not sure the intense exercise is helping me get over it any faster. It's been a week now since it started. I took Nyquil last night and it helped me sleep. I slept wonderfully which was I totally needed. It's not been a good day. I am guessing if it's not better by midweek I am going to have to go in. :( Which I don't want to do.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Marathon Training Week #3

Monday - Kickboxing 30 minutes and ran 3 miles

I did kickboxing in the morning while the kids watched a short TV program. I ran around 5 in the rain. I am SO missing the California sun. The rain and grayness is really, really getting to me--more so this winter than in previous winters. It was a good run even though I was not that into it. I overate at Applebees like usual. So I went over the calories, but not too terribly bad. Yesterday I was way under so maybe it evens itself out after awhile. My weight at the doctor's office was a pound more than what my scale reveals. We do have a cheap scale.

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles, Kickboxing 20 minutes

Had absolutely no desire to run this morning. So tired of the rain and coming home soaked. For some reason my body is tight and sore. I feel like crap. I honestly thought I was getting the flu yesterday, but then I went out last night to Applebees and ate a full meal plus a 20 oz beer and a small dessert--no I am not sick. My body and brain for that matter is just a little off. The run was hard. I didn't feel as "in the zone" as I have been the last two months. Thankfully the rain held off and it didn't start up until I got back home. I struggle so much with what to wear. Yesterday (less than 24 hours ago) I wore a short sleeve shirt, jacket, wind pants, and knit hat and I was cold. This morning wore long sleeve shirt, wind pants, and knit hat and way too warm. Like I could have worn shorts and a t-shirt. Our crazy Oregon rain totally changes the temperature outside and you never know what you should be wearing until you're halfway through the run. I might be dealing with dehydration as well. I didn't drink much water yesterday. I went through almost a whole water bottle on the run again. I felt better the last mile. Kickboxing went a lot better though my body is still so tight. Might have to do some yoga this weekend. I feel better now than when I woke up this morning.

Wednesday - Ran 3 miles, 10 minutes of stretching/ab & core workout

Still tired and don't feel caught up on sleep. I ran during Rob's lunch. I just ran up Kuebler to Sunnyside and back. My legs still feel all tight, but better than yesterday. I loved running in the sun and it was warm enough to wear a t-shirt and shorts. So nice! Spring is in the air. I did some stretching and ab and core workout on my own.

Thursday - Cross training: yoga 50 minutes

Tried the 10 minute solutions yoga. It was pretty tough. My muscles hurt all over. It felt good afterwards. Was glad I did it. I also did quite a bit of cleaning in the early afternoon and I sometimes count that as cross training if I walking from one side of the house to the other constantly and bending over and picking things up.

Friday - Ran 5 miles (hills) & 18 minutes of Crunch abs

I need to more hills because I am struggling on them. Not quite comfortable with them yet. I did the Mildred hills which I absolutely hate. I had to walk up the last quarter of one of them. It was really tough. My abs hurt from yoga yesterday. I felt dehydrated at first and drank about half my water bottle after the second mile. Once I hit Mile #3 1/2 I felt significantly better. I need to do both the Mildred and Jory Hill roads--I'm just not very motivated when it comes to these big Oregon hills because they're so tough. It was so sunny and clear (and a little cool) this morning that I saw Mount Hood! Love seeing those mountains on our clear days. I also did the last bit of the Crunch abs video. Good way to end the workout.

I am restarting my gym membership because I was able to lock into a deal that is almost half of what I was paying before with no start up fee. The catch is I can't go on Mondays & Tuesdays without paying a small fee. I think that works out fine. Rob usually goes to karate on Mondays or has counseling meetings and at least two Tuesdays out of the month Rob has 2-3 hour meeting at church. I just need to figure out how to schedule classes and workouts in there. I'd like to go to the gym at least twice a week. I don't want to do the 5:15 AM workouts--it was nice getting up that early and starting the day. It was too exhausting and I couldn't get through the afternoons and evenings. The nice thing is it's easier to get away. I don't feel guilty leaving Rob with the kids on a Friday or Saturday morning. Most of the time they play pretty well by themselves and like to be outside. He enjoys doing special outings with them now that Kara is two. I even took them out for an afternoon this week when Hailey was off school. We totally skipped naps. Everyone was fine. I think we'll be doing more of that this summer. Kara and Derek don't nap every single day anyway.

Saturday - Ran 9 miles and 10 minutes of stretching & core/abs

I figured I would be running pouring rain the whole entire time. I was pleasantly surprised that it only sprinkled a little. It went from periods of gray to light sun but quite a bit of wind. I ran through the Battlecreek neighborhood, but this time finished off by running down Commercial to the neighborhood behind the pool where Hailey takes swim lessons and then ending on Liberty. My goal was to run up the whole Landeau hill--I despise that hill! It's so steep. I made it up the whole thing, but I was going at a turtle's pace. I need to do more hill training--not quite as comfortable on the hills yet. Running on Kuebler from Battlecreek to Stroh was not fun--lots of wind and they aren't done with the sidewalk yet. I felt like I was hugging cars coming at me 60 miles per hour--not fun. It was only a small stretch to run--but I don't think I'd do it again until the sidewalk is put in. Was glad to complete another long run! It's such a celebration.

Sunday - Rest

I managed to eat great at the church potluck at ILC. I gravitated right to the fruits and veggies and salads versus the fatty stuff. The cake didn't even look good to me. My appetite is also a little off--I can tell. I have another cold and sore throat coming on. It doesn't feel as bad as the one I had Superbowl weekend. I don't feel 100%. I have been just trying to drink water and rest. And I'll probably go to bed early tonight.

Figuring out my workouts this week. It's going to be a little crazy end of the week as we have something at Hailey's school Thursday night, I'm with the middle schoolers Friday night, and then Classis is all day Saturday at our church. At least Rob doesn't have to be in Portland all weekend. The only time I can do the long run is Sunday afternoon which is not ideal. But we don't have any extra things going on Sunday besides church so I figure I can make it work one way or the other.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Marathon Training Week #2

Monday - 3 miles & 20 minutes of kickboxing (arms/shoulders & abs)

Derek woke me up at 5:50 AM. Normally I am annoyed. But my body felt ready to get up so it was not as big of a deal. Managed to get him somewhat quiet so he didn't wake up the whole house. I went running from 6:15ish until 6:45 or so. I ran Liberty to Kuebler to Lone Oak to Browning back to Liberty...which is an extended version of my two mile route adding the Kuebler bit to make it three. Running went fine. I felt good the whole time. I was able to squeeze kick boxing in before we left to run errands.

My moods are much better. Last week was a little rough but the kids were all "off" last week. Derek had a very bad week and Kara has been having a lot of temper tantrums lately. Derek's sleep was bad last week--no night wake-ups--just early mornings and needing to take a short nap but fighting it. That seems to spill over onto everything. I don't know how to communicate that things are difficult without acting overly negative and irritable.

Eating wise, I am doing great. I am almost done to the weight I was when I got married! Have not been this low in years. Some of my pants are starting to feel too loose. It is going to be a harder week to eat healthy. With Valentines Day--our fridge is already full of chocolate--and our trip to Zac's wedding in California this weekend. Travel is by far my greatest challenge when it comes to eating within the calories. Exercise is harder if not impossible away from home. And the eating options are always less or consist of fast food in airports. I did OK going to Chicago in January except the last day or so. It is a challenge when you are with people who don't eat the same way you do.

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles & 11 minutes of Crunch: Ab Attack

I managed to get out the door at 6:15 AM. I ran Lone Oak to Kuebler to Commerical all the way to Fabry past Wal Mart and then back the same way. I felt tight, tense, and sloppy at first. Once I hit the last mile and a half I started to feel normal. I was so thirsty again and drank almost a whole water bottle again by the end of the run. Mornings are still harder for me starting out, but I once get going a few miles, I feel better. Today is one of those days if I don't run in the morning--I don't have any time in the day I can run.

I did the Crunch Ab Attack and I like this track. It is still challenging and I feel like I am working my core too.

Mood wise, I am still worn out by stay at home life in general. I know that is never really going to change, but it has been a little more stressful lately.

OK need to get caught up from the rest of last week. On Thursday we left for Big Sur, California where Rob did Zac's wedding. Our plane left early evening and Rob had a meeting at Parklane CRC. I was planning on running 9 miles in Portland. Pastor Vance directed me to the Columbia River running trail which goes on for miles right along the river. Nice trail. No place to park. I had no idea where to park the van without fearing it would get towed or vandalized. I drove all the way to the airport and parked in the viewing area. I lost about 20 - 25 minutes time. So I had to run six miles instead of nine. Even then we played it too close and were pushing it to get to our flight. That was kind of the theme of the whole day. I did not get all the cleaning I needed to get done before we left. I was still finishing packing literally minutes before we got in the car. I had been so worn out that I told Rob I felt like I was getting minor depression. No anxiety--just depressed feelings. No energy except to run.

The run was amazing. I love running in new places and on bike paths. I realized I need to reconnect with the kids and slow down. So this coming week I cancelled two outings and cleared my schedule. I need it. The kids need it. I just have felt all sorts since Rob came home from Philly. It seems to be getting worse.

On Friday & Saturday we were in Big Sur. We did some hiking that I am counting as cross training. Not intense hiking, but still exercise. It was beautiful and I loved the area. I did not keep track of calories. I ate pretty well and stayed away from the the sugar and junk. I am sure I went over. I am not going to feel guilty about it. Aside from having no Internet, it was tough to keep track of food. We had so many little appetizers too. I only have one dessert--a brownie at the airport. Not bad.

Today is Sunday and we're really wiped out. Rob and I came home at 2:30. The kids did great while we were away, but they are tired too. I figured I'd keep track of food today. But start up running again tomorrow morning. Normally I'd do six miles for my long run this weekend (it's a kick back week) but I'll do the 9 I was going to do on Thursday. I hope it doesn't rain a lot this week. I loved the California sun!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Marathon Training Week #1

Here we go!!!

Monday - Ran 3 miles & 10 minutes of kickboxing (abs)

Glad I took most of last week off. My cold is nearly gone. I don't think I would have healed that quickly had I pushed myself. I did very little while Rob was gone aside from take care of the kids, minor cleaning, and watching too many episodes of Glee. I feel better today. I ran so good! My pace was fast. I felt wonderful. It is so beautiful and warm. I love February spring. Love it!! I also did ten minutes of kickboxing that focuses on abs.

Eating is a lot better. I was very proud that the days I did not exercise--I could still stick within the calories. I had a hard time doing that before. I am figuring what to eat and what snacks to have. I am finding I don't need as many snacks when I don't run.

I am shooting to do the Newport Marathon in June. We'll see how the training goes!!

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles & 10 minutes or karate abs

I actually got at up a 6 and ran five miles! Woo hoo! It went great. Nice to see the sunrise too. The only downside to this schedule is I'm more tired after lunch. I actually took a nap even though I have a lot I have to get done today. It does not help that Kara and Derek have been absolute handfuls today. Not sure why, but it's been crazy. Rob has a marathon of meetings all day. Glad I got a run in or I'd probably be even more miserable than what I am right now.

Wednesday - Ran 3 miles & 10 minutes of karate abs

Up by 6 again and out the door around 6:20. Takes me awhile to wake up--I lay in bed for at least 10 minutes. I ran the Sumpter route. Aside from rain which thankfully was not pouring, it went fine. Miss the last few sunny days we've had, but I guess I can't expect them to last forever. Here's hoping for a better day--yesterday kind of stunk. I like running in the mornings. It's just a struggle to keep the motivation up. It's amazing how running this week versus not running last week greatly increased my appetite. I am really hungry again in the afternoons. Still trying to eat within the calories.

Thursday - Cross training: 10 minutes of cardio dance & 50 minutes of kick boxing

I get really bored with the videos quickly. So I thought I would try cardio dance. It looked really fun from the description. Oh my goodness--could not do it. Felt so frustrated and clumsy and basically gave up after the first track. That made me realize that this is exactly what people do with running. One of my good friends love zumba and dance and step aerobics but hates to run. You cannot force yourself to do something you don't like doing. I was going to force myself to do the entire video, but I could not go on with it. So I switched to kickboxing and did the whole video. Still love it! It's so intense and you use your whole core. It is very fast paced and quickly moves from one thing to the next. Good workout! Need to somehow find another kickboxing video so I have another choice.

Friday - Pace Run - 5 miles

Woke up feeling so crappy (mental not physical). Did not want to run at all. Literally pushed myself out the door. It was tough at times. I felt quite dehydrated. I drank a whole water bottle during the run and I usually consume about half that amount. Was thankful I had water with me. I like the slower pace though. I almost enjoy it more. I felt better when I got back. It has just been such a busy week and I feel like it all finally caught up to me...and I came crashing down this morning. The rest of the day is going better so far. I am really overwhelmed with messes and clutter...and laundry. I just wish I had a full day to organize and clean--but then again I felt like I just did that a month ago. It's so hard with little kids running all over the house all hours of day--you just can't ever get caught up.

Saturday - 8 miles!

I was going to wait until Sunday to do the long run. Rob was planning on taking the kids all morning. The weather was perfect. The sun was starting to come out. It was in the mid 40's. Didn't look like it was going to rain. I had to take advantage of it. My glutes are super sore right now and my guess it is from the fat burning track of kickboxing. I ran really well today. I ran in the Battlecreek neighborhood by Lee Elementary--have not run there since I trained for Sacramento. I hate that Fox Haven hill, but surprisingly made it up the whole thing without feeling out of breath--which makes me think I'm in pretty good shape. I only stopped at the lights to get water. Then I stopped around Mile 5 1/2 to eat a packet of gu. Other than that I didn't feel a huge need to stop and walk. I did the kickboxing ab track later. I also walked to Subway and Roths so that's a lot of exercise for today.

Sunday - Rest

Enjoyed the downtime!