Monday, February 6, 2012

Marathon Training Week #1

Here we go!!!

Monday - Ran 3 miles & 10 minutes of kickboxing (abs)

Glad I took most of last week off. My cold is nearly gone. I don't think I would have healed that quickly had I pushed myself. I did very little while Rob was gone aside from take care of the kids, minor cleaning, and watching too many episodes of Glee. I feel better today. I ran so good! My pace was fast. I felt wonderful. It is so beautiful and warm. I love February spring. Love it!! I also did ten minutes of kickboxing that focuses on abs.

Eating is a lot better. I was very proud that the days I did not exercise--I could still stick within the calories. I had a hard time doing that before. I am figuring what to eat and what snacks to have. I am finding I don't need as many snacks when I don't run.

I am shooting to do the Newport Marathon in June. We'll see how the training goes!!

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles & 10 minutes or karate abs

I actually got at up a 6 and ran five miles! Woo hoo! It went great. Nice to see the sunrise too. The only downside to this schedule is I'm more tired after lunch. I actually took a nap even though I have a lot I have to get done today. It does not help that Kara and Derek have been absolute handfuls today. Not sure why, but it's been crazy. Rob has a marathon of meetings all day. Glad I got a run in or I'd probably be even more miserable than what I am right now.

Wednesday - Ran 3 miles & 10 minutes of karate abs

Up by 6 again and out the door around 6:20. Takes me awhile to wake up--I lay in bed for at least 10 minutes. I ran the Sumpter route. Aside from rain which thankfully was not pouring, it went fine. Miss the last few sunny days we've had, but I guess I can't expect them to last forever. Here's hoping for a better day--yesterday kind of stunk. I like running in the mornings. It's just a struggle to keep the motivation up. It's amazing how running this week versus not running last week greatly increased my appetite. I am really hungry again in the afternoons. Still trying to eat within the calories.

Thursday - Cross training: 10 minutes of cardio dance & 50 minutes of kick boxing

I get really bored with the videos quickly. So I thought I would try cardio dance. It looked really fun from the description. Oh my goodness--could not do it. Felt so frustrated and clumsy and basically gave up after the first track. That made me realize that this is exactly what people do with running. One of my good friends love zumba and dance and step aerobics but hates to run. You cannot force yourself to do something you don't like doing. I was going to force myself to do the entire video, but I could not go on with it. So I switched to kickboxing and did the whole video. Still love it! It's so intense and you use your whole core. It is very fast paced and quickly moves from one thing to the next. Good workout! Need to somehow find another kickboxing video so I have another choice.

Friday - Pace Run - 5 miles

Woke up feeling so crappy (mental not physical). Did not want to run at all. Literally pushed myself out the door. It was tough at times. I felt quite dehydrated. I drank a whole water bottle during the run and I usually consume about half that amount. Was thankful I had water with me. I like the slower pace though. I almost enjoy it more. I felt better when I got back. It has just been such a busy week and I feel like it all finally caught up to me...and I came crashing down this morning. The rest of the day is going better so far. I am really overwhelmed with messes and clutter...and laundry. I just wish I had a full day to organize and clean--but then again I felt like I just did that a month ago. It's so hard with little kids running all over the house all hours of day--you just can't ever get caught up.

Saturday - 8 miles!

I was going to wait until Sunday to do the long run. Rob was planning on taking the kids all morning. The weather was perfect. The sun was starting to come out. It was in the mid 40's. Didn't look like it was going to rain. I had to take advantage of it. My glutes are super sore right now and my guess it is from the fat burning track of kickboxing. I ran really well today. I ran in the Battlecreek neighborhood by Lee Elementary--have not run there since I trained for Sacramento. I hate that Fox Haven hill, but surprisingly made it up the whole thing without feeling out of breath--which makes me think I'm in pretty good shape. I only stopped at the lights to get water. Then I stopped around Mile 5 1/2 to eat a packet of gu. Other than that I didn't feel a huge need to stop and walk. I did the kickboxing ab track later. I also walked to Subway and Roths so that's a lot of exercise for today.

Sunday - Rest

Enjoyed the downtime!

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