Monday, January 30, 2012

January 29 - February 4

It is kind of a weird week. I just came home from a trip and Rob is leaving to go on one. Technically my marathon training starts next week. So I am just going to exercise this week, but not follow the training plan. I am not going to be able to run outside the three days he is gone.

Monday - Kickboxing - 30 minutes

I did the 10 minute kickboxing solutions. I had planned on going running at lunch, but unfortunately a major headache hit me around 11 AM--probably from exhaustion. Thankfully Derek and Kara played really nice and the ibuprofen kicked in. I felt better by 12:30. The kickboxing went well. I can tell my body is still tired from travel and an intense weekend.

Tuesday - Rest

I am not doing any kind of exercise routine this week. I could not run today due to scheduling conflicts. Honestly I felt like I was running all day because it was going from one thing to the next. Rob leaves for Philly tomorrow. Originally I thought about running at 6 AM until I realized he has morning Bible Study. He's not home until Friday at midnight. So I might do videos the next three days or even just rest. Next week begins marathon training and I want to hit it hard. My body needs the rest. Where I strained my hip is not hurting anymore--I think I will run even better since I laid low last week and this week.

I actually ate really well today without exercising. I am realizing our biggest issue is not snacks, but high calorie & high fat suppers. I am hoping to try out some new meals and I'm hoping that's not met with a lot of resistance! I refuse to make separate meals for everyone.

James also e-mailed me and found me a road bike!!!! Woo hoo! I might have it by Sunday!!! And I might re-start my gym membership with the reduced cost (I can't go on Mondays & Tuesdays and I have to join the South Club which is smaller). That would mean I could run on the treadmill on days like today where I can't run in the morning and afternoon. I could also ditch the videos for awhile. I don't mind them, but I would take a class over videos.

Wednesday - Rest

Still enjoying the running break. Managed to eat within the calories even without the running. Wow--it can be done! Was going to do a video in the afternoon, but lost Internet, phone, and Netflix. Managed to fix it myself two and a half hours later without freaking out. I got a lot of done which was a blessing. So distracted by facebook and e-mail it's not even funny! But could not squeeze exercise in there. Going to try and hit it hard come Monday when Rob comes home and we'll be back on a schedule. I might have my bike by then too!!!!

My moods have been so solid lately. Like even better than when I went on medication last winter. I am zero meds right now. Nothing. I have not felt this good in a very, very long time. It just makes me want to cry because I feel like I have control over my anger, rage, moods, frustrations, and disappointments. I don't constantly feel like I am on the verge of losing it. It might be that the kids are older and somewhat easier. Like this morning Kara had a 5:40 AM wake up call again and took forever to settle down. Normally I would get anxious and frustrated and even angry (especially because Rob is out of town). I was so calm about it. Getting the kids ready this morning was better. It didn't feel like a chore. Hailey and I were dancing around the kitchen and Derek and I were laughing about a book last night. I took all three kids out to Wendy's and it was a blast. I had so much fun with them. I have not had these kind of moments in a long time. I've never had them when Rob is out of town. It's always an anxiety ridden couple days with little sleep. I don't know if it was getting away by myself, going to a conference, some very very deep talks with friends lately that were super encouraging, or the counselor I am seeing sporadically. Maybe it's a mix of all. But I feel like something is awakened me and I am fully living again.

Rest of the week = rest

I am glad I took the whole week off. I caught a cold that started to get really bad Friday night and into Saturday. I took Nyquil Saturday night and was loopy all of Sunday--why can't my body handle that stuff? I take the normal dose! I slept so much on Sunday--like over two hours in the afternoon and ended up skipping out on the Superbowl Party. Oh well. I feel so much better today so it was worth it.

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