Monday, January 16, 2012

Pre-Marathon Training Week #7

Monday - Ran 3 miles, 13 minutes of stretching and ab workouts

It was not a very busy day but I had a friend coming over around lunchtime and she leaving her daughter here to play with Hailey. I was happy Hailey had someone to play with today. Rob ended up working from home for half hour from 3:15 - 3:45 so I went running in the snow again. It was actually more like rain. Almost all the snow melted by noon and the temperature warmed up. Then it started to get brisk around 4 PM, but so far it doesn't seem that snowy. Hard to say if school will be cancelled tomorrow--we'll have to see when we wake up.

I ran the regular 3 mile route to Holder. It went well and I felt pretty strong. The muscle in my left hip is sore and felt strained after I got back. The stretching helped. My lower back is also really sore. I have done a lot of running the past few days. It works with my schedule to run tomorrow and take Wednesday off. But if the pain gets worse, I am not going to overdue it. It feels good to be working out, eating better--my mood is significantly better.

Tuesday - Rest

We got hit with a major snowstorm and there was blowing snow and slush all over the roads and sidewalks. Running was too much of a challenge. I would have been running in a couple inches of slush. I did some major cleaning. Like I decluttered the whole family room. It was a workout. I was sweating and had to drink water. That might be my cross training this week...not sure what the rest of the week looks like.

Wednesday - Ran 4 miles, 15 minutes of stretching/karate abs

Today was one of those days in I don't know how long that I did not want to run. I was dreading it. Mood was crummy. We've had major cabin fever around here. We've not seen sun since last week. I wanted to do my six miler, but it was pouring rain. Not just a little rain--like buckets of cold rain. I did not want to deal with cold, numb feet and being drenched for an hour. And the wind was bad. So I switched to my other workout and did 4 miles. Because it was deathly cold yesterday I assumed it was today. I wore my jacket, wool gloves, and a knit hat. I was so overdressed. I really could have worn shorts and a t-shirt. The rain was more warm than cold. I can't judge the temperatures here. It could be in the 40's, but with the rain it can be so much colder. It depends on if it's a cold rain or regular rain. One day you might have to bundle up with layers and the other day you can wear t-shirt and shorts--so confusing. Once I peeled off layers, I felt fine. I started off crummy and thought there was no way I would be able to complete it.

Thursday - Pace Run - 45 minutes, 12 minutes of stretching and ab workouts

Salem is flooded. Crazy. It was so peaceful and quiet running because they are telling everyone to pick up their kids from school early and stay home. The man hole by Hailey's school is flooded. I saw dump trucks and pick ups everywhere. The kids love playing in the lake in back and side yard. :) The two creeks I run by were rushing and high--but not spilling on the road yet. It was rainy and windy when I started, but by the last half of the run it had stopped. Since I am told this rain came from Hawaii (Pineapple express) it makes sense it is such a warm rain. It feels like April outside. I was happy I was able to complete my run and do some stretching as well. My quads hurt so bad. I almost took Tylenol this morning. Not sure why. Never have this kind of soreness when I run. It has to be from something else I am doing. It actually feels better to do squats and run uphill (two things I usually hate) because then I am stretching them. It doesn't feel like an injury--just intense soreness.

Friday - Ran 6.7 miles, 12 minutes of stretching and abs

I was only supposed to run six miles, but I second guessed where a new street was I have not run on before. I made a wrong turn and ended up having to back track which also required me to go up a huge hill. Not a big deal. I felt fine running today. I was not crazy about the rain and starting to get cold. My feet stayed dry for the most part until the last mile or so. We haven't seen the sun in a week and I'm starting to feel a little drained by all the grayness. I feel good when I get outside--just wish I didn't come home so drenched. I ran by the creeks that flooded over the roads yesterday. They are down considerably. It's amazing how bad it got so quickly! There's still rain in the forecast the next couple days so I'm wondering if we're going to have flooding issues again.

Saturday - Cross training - 30 minutes of Crunch Boot Camp & 43 minutes of yoga

I have not done boot camp in a couple months and I was surprised how much it hurt. I added push ups this week into my stretching/circuit routine. They are so tough for me. I can barely do five in a row. I struggled with push ups the most. The rest was fine. Yoga hurt even more because my muscles are all so tight. Rob came home with the kids halfway through yoga and helped me extend the stretches. He said in karate they sometimes have stretching partners to help utilize the stretch to its fullest potential. Rob and I talked about doing 15-20 minutes of yoga twice a week in the mornings. We like the idea, but not sure how excited we'll be to get up and do it. We both have a hard time getting up early. On the first stretch I was pushing the stretch on my shoulder to hard and my bad shoulder actually popped out. I freaked out for a moment and got it to pop back in. It has not popped out in a couple of years--I think two years ago was the last time. It did not hurt that bad, but I wonder if the push ups is straining it too much. Eating wise I am doing OK. I ate too much at lunch--I really didn't need to eat that much. I had a smaller supper compared to other nights and hardly snacked at all. We did see the sun briefly today--ironically the day I don't run. :)

Sunday - Ran 8 miles & 11 minutes of stretching and abs

Weather was TERRIBLE! It started out with no rain--just gray skies. The wind was so strong. I ran against the first few miles. I was extremely thankful I did the headwind first so I could get it over with. It was so strong that it kept blowing my hat off my head. Going up hills I felt like I was almost walking. I don't think I have ever run in wind that strong. It was slightly better once I went down the last Sunnyside hill by the Creekside golf course. I was more in a valley and the wind was less. This is much lower elevation hence why it was all underwater on Thursday. By the time I got to Commercial, I felt better. The run was getting easier. The last two miles were awful. The rain started--not just a light sprinkle. Pouring rain. I was drenched and my arms were starting to go numb. I just wanted to get home. I was so cold when I got in the door. I felt like I had jumped in a lake. I was glad I completed it though and I only stopped to eat gu around Mile #5. I drank water at the lights. Stretching was fine. I am not doing push ups for a couple days. My bad shoulder is still moving and almost popped out again. Next week is a lighter week running wise so I am looking forward to that. I built up so much tolerance to crappy weather this week that I am pretty proud of myself. I ran in snow, pouring rain, and huge winds all in one week.

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