Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pre-Marathon Training Week #5

Monday - Rest

I did not run because it was 30 degrees in Chicago, windy, and slick out. I didn't think my body could handle it.

Tuesday - Travel Day

We traveled all day and were home early evening. SO TIRED! I hate flying.

Wednesday - Ran 3 miles, 20 minutes of kickboxing

Such a difficult run. I felt awful. Having a really crummy day and greatly dislike the post-vacation mode and unpacking. I made myself run because I knew I would feel ten times worse if I didn't do it all. I did not walk at all, but I did felt overly fatigued. I was not motivated at all to do kickboxing, but that went better than the run. I weighed myself and I gained two pounds. I did not keep track of food for three days and did not feel like I was overeating. I felt like throwing the scale out of the window. I was utterly ticked off. I still am not eating right. I never learned how to eat healthy. So much of this is new to me.

Thursday - Ran 5 miles, 10 minutes of ab workouts

Better run! I felt great! Rob worked from home so I could run at 2 PM. The rain had stopped and the sun was actually out. It's so warm--was pushing 60. I ran in a tank top and capri workout pants--could have worn shorts and been fine. I did my regular 5 miler by Sumpter School. Then I did 10 minutes of Rob's karate ab workouts before I went to pick up Hailey. Much better eating today. More fruits and veggies. I talked to Sandy at Bethany about healthy eating and keeping track of food. She sent me a long e-mail about it and look forward to reading it. Still so fatigued from the trip though. I felt like I could go to bed at 8. I always get a second wind after I put the kids to bed.

Friday - Pace Run - 45 minutes, 10 minutes of karate ab workouts

I am pretty sure our scale has a mind of its own. Rob set it back to zero (it was on 5) and I think I lost two pounds since I started My Fitness Pal. Then it was off again today. Need a new scale!

I think I have a minor stomach thing because my stomach has been slightly off. It has not affected my appetite. I am still hungry right before meals. I feel slightly stomach sick and very fatigued at night (which might still be from the trip). I did manage to run and I felt good most of the run. I ran the Sunnyside to Kuebler (love the new sidewalks!) route. I started slow, then built up to probably 8 minute miles for 1.5 miles or so, walked about two minutes, and ran slower the rest of the run. My stomach felt off again the last five minutes. I felt fine the rest of the night. We had the Council Party and I really watched what I ate. I really wanted the triple chocolate cheesecake Rob made--it looked SO good. I think it had around 800 calories and I just couldn't do it--not since I have worked so hard the last few days. He understood and didn't really want to eat it anyway. :) I did not have a lot of time so I did the karate ab workouts again. I know I am getting stronger because crunches are getting much easier.

Saturday - 3 miles & 40 minutes of kickboxing

I had an awful day. I was grumpy and irritable and I didn't know why. Rob made the kids breakfast and got them dressed so I could sleep in. He played with them before going into the office so I could kickboxing. Then I ran at 3:30 when he got home. I am getting tired of running on Lone Oak and the Sumpter neighborhood so I just ran to the Vista Roths and back up Liberty. It was easier running there than back. I think it's more downhill going there and I was against the wind on the way home. I made it. My stomach still hurts a little bit, but not affecting my appetite at all. I think that is affecting my running the last two days. Kara is a little under the weather so I'm assuming we have the same thing.

Sunday - 6 miles & 15 minutes of karate ab work

My stomach is back to normal. Kara seems to be doing OK. She's still probably eating half the amount she usually does (but still wants candy). I think she'll be fine in another day or two. She goes through periods where she eats a lot and then gets picky. Anyway I ran to the Wes Bennet neighborhood and haven't ran over there in a very long time--maybe since I trained for the marathon. The Baxter hill is so massive--I always avoided it and detoured around it when I trained for Sacramento. I decided to do it. I got 3/4 of the way up and walked the last 1/4. I was proud the only walking I did. I could hardly breathe going up the hill--it nearly took everything out of me until I could catch my breath again. The rest of the run was fine. I did Rob's karate ab workouts. Eating was fine. Still figuring some good meal ideas. I love some of my healthy breakfasts and lunches, but I am not one of these people who can eat the same thing every single day. I need like 5-6 different meals to pick from. I can't switch the whole family to skim milk or low fat yogurt. I think I'm going to buy my own lowfat yogurts once we're through the ones in the fridge...and maybe my own milk too. When I was on WW, I bought my own milk and I never got through it in time. I had to throw a bunch out. I could be like Grandma VW and freeze half of it. :) Anyway I am proud of all the running I did this week especially after doing nothing on Monday and Tuesday.


  1. I want to read that email, too! I feel the same - I never learned how to eat healthy and now with Dave's parents here I feel like we are bombarded with situations more frequently than in the past where there is just no healthy option. Can I read it?

  2. Yeah it's from my friend Sandy who is the mentor mom of our MOPS group. She's wonderful! I think everyone needs a mentor mom like her. She's a cancer survivor too. She's lost 12 pounds since October--and she's an average sized person (was not obese at all and did not look all that overweight). I'm forwarding the e-mail to you. She managed to make it through the holidays without going over the calories. I am going to ask her on Thursday when I see her how she did that. :) Because I was not as successful!!
