Monday, February 20, 2012

Marathon Training Week #3

Monday - Kickboxing 30 minutes and ran 3 miles

I did kickboxing in the morning while the kids watched a short TV program. I ran around 5 in the rain. I am SO missing the California sun. The rain and grayness is really, really getting to me--more so this winter than in previous winters. It was a good run even though I was not that into it. I overate at Applebees like usual. So I went over the calories, but not too terribly bad. Yesterday I was way under so maybe it evens itself out after awhile. My weight at the doctor's office was a pound more than what my scale reveals. We do have a cheap scale.

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles, Kickboxing 20 minutes

Had absolutely no desire to run this morning. So tired of the rain and coming home soaked. For some reason my body is tight and sore. I feel like crap. I honestly thought I was getting the flu yesterday, but then I went out last night to Applebees and ate a full meal plus a 20 oz beer and a small dessert--no I am not sick. My body and brain for that matter is just a little off. The run was hard. I didn't feel as "in the zone" as I have been the last two months. Thankfully the rain held off and it didn't start up until I got back home. I struggle so much with what to wear. Yesterday (less than 24 hours ago) I wore a short sleeve shirt, jacket, wind pants, and knit hat and I was cold. This morning wore long sleeve shirt, wind pants, and knit hat and way too warm. Like I could have worn shorts and a t-shirt. Our crazy Oregon rain totally changes the temperature outside and you never know what you should be wearing until you're halfway through the run. I might be dealing with dehydration as well. I didn't drink much water yesterday. I went through almost a whole water bottle on the run again. I felt better the last mile. Kickboxing went a lot better though my body is still so tight. Might have to do some yoga this weekend. I feel better now than when I woke up this morning.

Wednesday - Ran 3 miles, 10 minutes of stretching/ab & core workout

Still tired and don't feel caught up on sleep. I ran during Rob's lunch. I just ran up Kuebler to Sunnyside and back. My legs still feel all tight, but better than yesterday. I loved running in the sun and it was warm enough to wear a t-shirt and shorts. So nice! Spring is in the air. I did some stretching and ab and core workout on my own.

Thursday - Cross training: yoga 50 minutes

Tried the 10 minute solutions yoga. It was pretty tough. My muscles hurt all over. It felt good afterwards. Was glad I did it. I also did quite a bit of cleaning in the early afternoon and I sometimes count that as cross training if I walking from one side of the house to the other constantly and bending over and picking things up.

Friday - Ran 5 miles (hills) & 18 minutes of Crunch abs

I need to more hills because I am struggling on them. Not quite comfortable with them yet. I did the Mildred hills which I absolutely hate. I had to walk up the last quarter of one of them. It was really tough. My abs hurt from yoga yesterday. I felt dehydrated at first and drank about half my water bottle after the second mile. Once I hit Mile #3 1/2 I felt significantly better. I need to do both the Mildred and Jory Hill roads--I'm just not very motivated when it comes to these big Oregon hills because they're so tough. It was so sunny and clear (and a little cool) this morning that I saw Mount Hood! Love seeing those mountains on our clear days. I also did the last bit of the Crunch abs video. Good way to end the workout.

I am restarting my gym membership because I was able to lock into a deal that is almost half of what I was paying before with no start up fee. The catch is I can't go on Mondays & Tuesdays without paying a small fee. I think that works out fine. Rob usually goes to karate on Mondays or has counseling meetings and at least two Tuesdays out of the month Rob has 2-3 hour meeting at church. I just need to figure out how to schedule classes and workouts in there. I'd like to go to the gym at least twice a week. I don't want to do the 5:15 AM workouts--it was nice getting up that early and starting the day. It was too exhausting and I couldn't get through the afternoons and evenings. The nice thing is it's easier to get away. I don't feel guilty leaving Rob with the kids on a Friday or Saturday morning. Most of the time they play pretty well by themselves and like to be outside. He enjoys doing special outings with them now that Kara is two. I even took them out for an afternoon this week when Hailey was off school. We totally skipped naps. Everyone was fine. I think we'll be doing more of that this summer. Kara and Derek don't nap every single day anyway.

Saturday - Ran 9 miles and 10 minutes of stretching & core/abs

I figured I would be running pouring rain the whole entire time. I was pleasantly surprised that it only sprinkled a little. It went from periods of gray to light sun but quite a bit of wind. I ran through the Battlecreek neighborhood, but this time finished off by running down Commercial to the neighborhood behind the pool where Hailey takes swim lessons and then ending on Liberty. My goal was to run up the whole Landeau hill--I despise that hill! It's so steep. I made it up the whole thing, but I was going at a turtle's pace. I need to do more hill training--not quite as comfortable on the hills yet. Running on Kuebler from Battlecreek to Stroh was not fun--lots of wind and they aren't done with the sidewalk yet. I felt like I was hugging cars coming at me 60 miles per hour--not fun. It was only a small stretch to run--but I don't think I'd do it again until the sidewalk is put in. Was glad to complete another long run! It's such a celebration.

Sunday - Rest

I managed to eat great at the church potluck at ILC. I gravitated right to the fruits and veggies and salads versus the fatty stuff. The cake didn't even look good to me. My appetite is also a little off--I can tell. I have another cold and sore throat coming on. It doesn't feel as bad as the one I had Superbowl weekend. I don't feel 100%. I have been just trying to drink water and rest. And I'll probably go to bed early tonight.

Figuring out my workouts this week. It's going to be a little crazy end of the week as we have something at Hailey's school Thursday night, I'm with the middle schoolers Friday night, and then Classis is all day Saturday at our church. At least Rob doesn't have to be in Portland all weekend. The only time I can do the long run is Sunday afternoon which is not ideal. But we don't have any extra things going on Sunday besides church so I figure I can make it work one way or the other.

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