Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 19-21: Long run, apples, and sickies


Friday - Ran a little over 3 miles.  I ran through the Sumpter neighborhood.  I still had a head ache when I woke up, but it was not as strong as the previous day.  Running was fine.  I might have been a tiny bit slower than normal.  I took two Advil when I returned and the head ache was gone soon after.

Saturday - Stationary Bike - 42 minutes

I wanted to bike today outside, but had a lot of cleaning to do in the morning and mid afternoon.  By the time 5 PM hit, it was 93 degrees and there was no way I was going to exercise in that.  Even hanging up the laundry, I could feel the intense heat.  I settled for the air conditioned gym and did intervals on the stationary bike. I don't like these bikes as much as the bikes we use in Group Ride, but I can still get a good workout on them.

Sunday - Ran 9.45 miles

I got out the door at 6:27 AM and it was still dark, but I could see hints of  the sun beginning to rise...very pretty out.  I started in the Welcome Way neighborhood, took Sunnyside to Rees Hill area, back down Commercial to Winding Way & Browning and Lone Oak to home.  I felt like my pace was slower.  At times my legs felt like they had weights attached to them and I could not gain any speed.  The hills were much harder than last week even though I intentionally planned my route avoiding the large hills.  I took a few little walk breaks for like 30 seconds instead of one or two longer breaks.  Just enough to catch my breath and sip some Ultima.  I am doing Hal Higdon's program that includes three days of running and the rest is cross training.  The mileage jumps from seven to nine miles which does not seem like much.  My mileage has not been this high in quite awhile.  When training for triathlons I stayed in 4-6 mile range since the run was never more than a 5K.


Friday morning I had an avocado and apple breakfast salad--liked this one too.  I had homemade guacamole with a few chips plus some fruit for lunch and carrots and peanut butter for a snack.  It was Hailey's birthday party so we did have pizza, but it was homemade.  I think Rob's pizza is healthier than Papa Murphy's or Figaro's.  I did have cake and ice cream in the evening...which tasted so good.  Now unfortunately I am craving sweets again.  It always seems to happen on the weekends.  Rob made me a ham and veggie omelette this morning.  We picked apples in the late morning and I have been snacking on those this afternoon.  Sunday morning I did a long run and you think I would be hungry.  I think the gu gels suck the hunger right out of you. All I have eaten so far is a small bowl of Rice Krispies and I am not hungry at all.  I will probably snack on apples and grapes later.  We have a bucket full of apples and Camelia brought us more grapes.  The grapes only last a few days and then we start getting those little fruit flies.


Last night was a rough night.  I had over active bladder again and I attribute to this to any caffeine I drink after 6 PM.  It is comparable to when I was pregnant with Derek and I'm peeing every hour. It is not every single time I have caffeine that late, but I don't sleep as deep. I have bizarre dreams and sometimes nightmares.  Thankfully I slept from 11:15 PM until 3 PM.  The cat woke up at 3 probably looking for Hailey who was sleeping in the family room with her friend with door closed.  I ignored her until 3:45 when she was meowing again.  I locked her in the laundry room.  Slept until 5:30 AM and went to bathroom yet again.  Around 5:50 AM Rob woke me up saying someone was throwing up.  My first thought was "I hope it's one of our kids and not Hailey's friend."  I asked Rob if he could check it out since I already had been up a few times dealing with the cat.  It was Kara and she didn't quite make it to the toilet.  We had to do clean-up at 6 AM on a Saturday morning.  One of my thoughts was it has been a very long time since we had to do this with any of our kids.  Slept about 45 minutes until Rob told me Kara was throwing up again.  Checked her and thankfully she made it to the toilet.  Derek was waking up and I told him we were not getting up for awhile...he had to play quietly and not wake anyone up if he was going to get out of bed.  We didn't get up until 8:45 and still could have slept longer.  I hate nights like this but thankfully we don't have much going on today.  I guess it could be a lot worse.

Saturday night I woke up at 1:30 AM and went to the bathroom.  I think I awoke to the people yelling outside on the street.  We are pretty used to this especially on Friday and Saturday nights and when the windows are all open.  The bar up the street lets out around this time and people peel out of the driveway (not very safe--we have witnessed one crash in front of our house and a couple fights).  I woke up at 5:50 again and had to go to the bathroom.  I had no caffeine yesterday aside from my morning cup of coffee, but I had a lot of water and ice tea in the afternoon and evening.  Kara is feeling better but still not quite ready to be out so we are staying home from church.

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