Monday, May 17, 2010

Running recap May 20 - 23

I flew out to Chicago on Thursday and hit the gym before I left. I swam for twenty minutes and felt way more confident. Like I could actually do laps. I am slowly getting there. My rotary breathing is better and I am getting the rotation together.

On Friday I ran while my dad biked on the trails behind their house. Let me just say I am jealous of all those Chicagoans who have these trails! I ran about four miles. We saw a fox and three deer which was really cool.

Saturday we went to Madison and were with family or in the car all day. No chance for exercise.

On Sunday I was in the air most of the day. I walked around the Salt Lake City airport for twenty minutes straight mainly to stretch my legs and soothe Kara. I found with all the running I was doing, I was getting leg cramps from sitting long on the plane. I had thought maybe I woudl run last night after getting home, but I was way too exhausted. I also had thought about going to the gym this morning, but I need a recovery day. I will get there tomorrow.

Today I feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious. I have SO much to do and get caught up on. It WILL get done. It's just the amount of it and seeing piles everywhere. And the fact Kara naps terrible in the afternoons. I don't know what it is. Hailey was the same way around this age. She would take a long morning nap and then only like forty five minutes in the afternoon. Her afternoon nap did not get longer until she was seven to eight months old...and really did not get longer than an hour and a half until after she dropped the morning nap. Frustrating! It makes Kara so happy in the mornings, but cranky and wanting to be held constantly after 1 PM.

And we've run into some big time scheduling issues for running a marathon. We may be taking vacation with my whole family in October which is great. I was going to run the Portland Marathon the weekend before we go. But we have a wedding that weekend. So I am actually looking at doing a marathon in California in the late fall or early winter. I am hoping to get it figured out soon.

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