Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 5 and 6

It looks like Wednesday is going to be my crazy workout day. I went to morning Group Power. At first I felt a little queasy and fatigued. I knew I was not getting sick. Because I have dealt with so many stomach bugs over the past four and a half years, I am in tune to my body. I know when I am sick. About fifteen to twenty minutes into the workout, I started to feel normal again. I struggled again on the biceps workout, but the rest were fine.

I am trying to run four days a week. With Group Power twice a week, swimming once or twice (right now it is just once) a week, and running four days a week, there has to be at least one or two days I combine some of these activities. I ran into my old Centergy friends in the locker room this morning. One of them said I looked so good after having a baby six months ago--what a nice compliment! I told them it was going to be really tricky to try to get to do Centergy right now. I think this is something I might try and do after the marathon. They said the class has grown and that you really have to get there by 5:05 AM or you don't get a spot. Crazy. Everyone is doing Centergy right now.

Anyway I ran on Wednesday after Group Power. Although I can do it, I am not nearly as strong after having done weights for an hour. I only ran a mile and a half on the treadmill. That was enough. I was sweating like crazy afterwards. I was home by 6:45 AM and Kara was just starting to wake up. So the timing worked out pretty well.

This morning I swam. I really didn't want to overdue it. I have worked out everyday since Sunday. So I only swam for twenty minutes. That was enough. I am doing the front crawl now very slowly and I stop and take a lot of breaks after each length. It is tiring because I am not used to it. I will slowly get up to thirty minutes with time. I don't know how people can swim laps for an hour. Then again people don't know how I can run for an hour and a half. Anyway I was home just before 6:30 AM (and I stopped at Wal Mart real quick). The kids did not get up until 7:30 AM. I got a jumpstart on the laundry. This helps so much! It really makes household work less daunting. I can get more done during the day. Now if this crummy spring weather would go away so we can actually do some stuff outside.

I really stuck with the points this week and lost almost two pounds! I am down to 127! I was so excited when I stepped on the scale. This coming week will be easy to stick with the points again. The following week will be tougher as I am going to Wisconsin to see Grandma M. Fast food restaurants, airport food etc. will be tempting. I am hoping I can get out and run at least once. Since it is a short visit, I imagine we'll have time restraints. I am hoping to get my long run done before I leave so I don't have to worry about doing that in Wisconsin.

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