Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18

So today I felt absolutely crazy. Insane. And I had good conversation with Rob about it. I was telling him how I didn't know what I was doing all morning. I had no idea how I was using my time. While some things are getting done, it seems like nothing is. Laundry piles and piles up. The house is a mess. Not so much that. It just feels like chaos. Disorderly. And I am sick of it. Whatever routine we had about a month ago is gone. I don't know where it went. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is a day to start over again. I have a better handle on how I want to establish a new routine. I am realistic about how much I can accomplish in a day. And what can be put off for another day.

Running today cleared my head temporarily. I had every intention of running at 5:45 AM and had the alarm set. Kara woke up around then as well. I let her cry for a little while. But I knew if I went off running for a half hour and came back, she'd still be crying. With her still adjusting to the time change and being "off schedule" I got her up at 6:00 AM. It really didn't mess up her schedule because she took a three hour morning nap and then went down for her afternoon nap the same time as Derek. She actually did really, really well today. I ran during Rob's lunch and now I remember why I don't like running during this time. It's way too busy. But I didn't really have a choice today so I made it work. I ran two miles on my normal two mile course. I felt strong and really good the whole time. My right heel is still sore, but I wouldn't say it is a major injury. Because it doesn't really bother me much. I came home and felt energized. Then I felt around 3 PM that I was falling apart again. I felt crazy and in a complete state of chaos.

Eating has been frustrating today. I have felt hungry all day long. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat. I am still hungry. Bleck.

I am not doing a long run this week. I am doing shorter runs since I am doing the Run For the Iris 5K on Saturday. I registered today. I am also pretty sure I will be running the Columbia Gorge Marathon in October. Woo hoo! I am really excited to run this one! It's a fairly new marathon and small in terms of participants. Supposed to be very scenic and I LOVE the gorge. I can't wait to see more of it. This means training would start mid to late June. I need to put together my training schedule soon.

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