Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2/11 Ride and Protein Shake Experiments

Today I went to Group Ride and I was so happy I got there.  I almost rolled over and went back to sleep.  It was a good workout.  I am still getting back into the groove of going to this class.  I don't feel totally comfortable and I can't get to recommended RPM...I am always slower and tire out quicker.  But I will keep going.  One of my goals for 2015 was to get more comfortable on the bike and I want to stick with it.

I am still experimenting with protein shakes.  So far I think I like chocolate, peanut butter, banana, and milk.  A half serving is a reasonable amount of calories. I tried another Mounds smoothie on Friday and it was absolutely disgusting.  I will not have them as meal replacement which is why I won't buy them from a MLM company, but they are great for after workout or mid morning snacks...especially on my long run days.  According to MFP, I am lowest on protein.  We aren't vegetarian but we don't eat a lot of meat compared to the average American and we also don't eat many beans. I love peanut butter and I could eat it all day long, but it has a high sugar least the kind we buy.  I did make my own protein bars this afternoon and I will have to see if they taste any good.  I love my sweet potato breakfast burritos...although they aren't as filling as a bowl of oatmeal or vegan salad.

Sleepwise I am doing great.  I have had no issues the past couple of months.

Sickness is going around the school again (which is probably always the case...just been more paranoid about it since all the sickness we've dealt with in the fall and Hailey's flu last month).  Derek might have a minor cold and I think it might be just that...hopefully.  I've been exposed to a lot of junk lately among the child care kids too.  Cold/flu season is not over yet.  We'll see if thieves oil protects us or does nothing whatsoever.  I haven't had anything since Christmas.  

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