Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29: Weird dream, swimming, and healthy eating

Yesterday late afternoon I went to the track and did an upward ladder workout of 2 x 200 with 200 recovery, 2 x 400 with 400 recovery, 2 x 800 recovery.  There were other runners out so it was nice to have some company.  I really am liking track runs finally.  It took some time to get into them.  I think they help with endurance.

Last night I did 16 minutes of yoga using the app on my ipad.  I think it helped.  My legs don't feel nearly as tight today.  Kara did some of it with me.

I woke up at 2:50 AM to the cat meowing as loud as she possibly could.  I tried to ignore it, but I knew she would keep at it.  So I put her in the laundry room trying not to wake up my brain.  It didn't work.  Once I got back in bed I was basically awake.  I really wanted to go to swimming but I needed that last bit of sleep.  I managed to relax and turn my brain took a good half hour but I did fall back asleep.  Only I had a dream I wasn't asleep.  In my dream I was running over to the church parking lot.  My friend from church was sitting in the parking lot working some project with some friends.  She told me they were all awake because they came from California and were on California time...which makes no sense because we're the same time zone as California.  Then in my dream I am on the roof of the church seeing the sun rise and realizing I missing swimming.  There were some other weird parts to the dream that I cannot recall right now.  Anyway I was relieved when the alarm went off and that I felt rested enough to go to swimming.  We did a lot of 300's and 200's today.  It was a pretty normal workout.  

Food wise I am doing fine, but I have only been on MFP for three days.  Normally I stick with it about 1-2 months and then I start to feel like a slave to it.  I am trying not to obsess over it.  I reach a point where I say, "screw it" and start eating what I want or else I follow it religiously feeling frustrated if I stray even a tiny bit.  My goal this time around is to find a happy middle ground.  I think one of the issues is that I don't see big results.  Like people trying to lose 50 pounds see results.  I think my results are related to performance--running better and feeling better mentally.  I always feel better when I am eating healthier--I saw evidence of this in September and October.  It's not a surprise I was struggling with my moods close to the holidays and afterwards when food, sleep, and exercise got all irregular.

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