Saturday, June 19, 2010

The week of June 13th

I took a little break from the intense workout this week. Part of the reason was I am running a race Monday night. I also thought it would be good to rest up before I officially start the marathon training. I slept in until 7 most mornings this week. Crazy that 7:00 AM is now sleeping in! That used to so early for me. The kids have been sleeping later too. Kara gets up around 7:15 now and Hailey and Derek anywhere from 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM. One morning this week they got up at 9:30 AM! We had a couple late nights so I was not surprised. Hailey actually took some afternoon naps this week as well.

Anyway I am going to start doing weekly posts and write what the training log requires me to do that week and what I actually did. Hopefully they will be the same or at least close to it.

I am trying to think what I did this week. Tuesdays are usually the long and busy day around here. I took it completely off. I skipped Group Power on Wednesday and chose to sleep instead. On Thursday I almost did not get up because I had the alarm set wrong. Kara woke up at 5:30 AM and woke me up. She put herself back to sleep. I did not even have to go in there. As I left the church burgular alarm was going off. I walked over to church to make sure it was indeed the church and not a car alarm. I was trying to decide whether I should wake up Rob or try to find his keys and shut it off myself. I know the code so I know how to turn it off. Rob has as many keys as a jail keeper so it would take forever to figure out which key opens the fellowship hall. Thankfully it turned off by itself. By this time it was close to 6:00 AM. I figured I would not have enough time to get a good swim in and take a shower. So I opted for running instead on the treadmill. I hate the treadmill. I think it's because I have no iPod or headphones to hear the TVs (mine went through the wash and I haven't replaced them yet). I just get SO bored. On Friday which would be yesterday I ran five miles. I picked a route which I absolutely enjoyed. I purposely ran by Sumpter Park because I organized a MOPS event there in July. Someone recommended it, but I hadn't been there yet. It's a really nice park and it was very shady. I am going to try and take the kids there sometime in the next few weeks. I ran around that neighborhood until I hit Sunnyside and then took that by Woodmansee Park ending on Idylwood and back home. The only problem with the route is there were not too many hills. I need to run on more hills. I think I can detour on to Baxter and that will give me two huge hills to tackle. I am going to play with the route a little more. I do eight miles on Friday. Today I swam for twenty-five minutes. I am still not confident with my laps and feel like my form is still off balance. I think I just need to practice. I just can't get to the pool more than once a week right now. I think it will work to swim Saturdays. The pool was not very busy except for when water aerobics started. But they don't use the lap pool at all.

Eating wise, I did better this week. I did not count points at Scott and Nancy's party. It was too hard with all the little finger food. My best guess was I used most of my activity points. I also gained a pound, but I figured that would happen. When I hit that certain time of the month my weight goes up. I'm at 124 today. I've done really well on weekend. Tomorrow will be tough again with Melissa's Open House, but I am going to try to count points from it.

I think we're going to pick up our Team Winter tomorrow. Yay! Can't wait to wear my Team Winter running shirt!

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