Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cold and Sinus

On Friday I woke up sick with a pounding headache, sinus pressure, coughing etc.  I could feel it coming on Wednesday night.  Thursday it was pretty mild.  I stayed in bed Friday until 10 AM.  I almost texted Matt and told him I couldn't go on the ETM event that night.  I really didn't want to cancel it on account of my illness. The middle schoolers were so looking forward to it.  As I walked around a little bit and ate some lunch, I felt like I could do it.  My voice was getting hoarse and I still felt the pressure, but it was mostly in my ears.  After I dropped off Makayla home and was back by 10 PM--I was really exhausted.  Saturday woke up with no voice...it sounded raspy and horrible.  I was fine going to Hailey's basketball game, but was exhausted when we came home.  I was starting to get dizzy again.  Sunday was pretty tiring but I pushed through.  I really thought I would feel better by today, but I still feel pretty crummy.  I've been able to go to everything I need to.  I taught co-op preschool this morning.  I took the kids to their activities, cleaned as much as I'm able, and made dinner. Got my articles written. I have had to take Nyquil that last three nights.  While it's good for sleep, it's not natural sleep.  I can tell I am way more tired.  I've taken afternoon naps the last three days.  Last night my throat and larynx felt like cement and there was a constant tickle in my throat. I almost considered calling the doctor and getting tested for strep.  But I've had strep before and this feels really different.  After I take Sudafed, it goes away for a couple hours until it wears off.  I have been drinking tea non-stop around the clock.  I have not been able to exercise since Thursday which really, really stinks.  I am going to try to run tomorrow over Rob's lunch.  Hopefully my throat and larynx will be a little bit better then.  I think it's going to be another week before I am completely back to normal, but at least the ear & head pressure is pretty much gone.  I had a cold similar to this when I was a sophomore in college when I lost my voice and I do remember it took like 2 weeks before it was gone.  I hope I feel better tomorrow!!

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