Tuesday, February 26, 2013

15K & Sprint Tri Training Week #8

Monday - Rest Day

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles

I ran around Holly's neighborhood while the kids were in co-op preschool.  It was a nice sunny morning.  It's kind of different running in an area you're unfamiliar with and I think this causes me to not run as well.  I felt like I was dragging at some points.  Her neighborhood is all FLAT.  There is not a single hill anywhere.  So different from the south side of town which has so many hills and the west side which is almost all hills.  I ran through Santana Park which was pretty fun--looks so nice after the hard work Doug & his crew has put into it.  I liked running while the kids are in school because I don't get that opportunity very often at all.

Wednesday - Bike 30 minutes, Swam 15 minutes

I biked first and did the interval track again.  Swimming was great as well.  Just a little bit late of a start and didn't get out the door until like 6:05 AM.  I showered at home which helped...got home in time.

Thursday - Group Power & Ran 3 miles

Made it to Group Power!  Actually got up for it.  It went well.  Triceps and shoulders are still my hardest.  I was planning on swimming but forgot my bathing suit.  I hung it out on the towel holder to dry and forgot to put it in my gym bag--I hate that!  I'm not coherent when I wake up nor can I think clearly which is why I usually pack everything the night before.  Luckily I could run instead.  I thought it would hard running with no music or headphones (I didn't have my iPod with me either) but it actually was fine.  I did the 5K track on the treadmill and finished in 27 minutes and kept my pace at 9 minute miles.

Friday - Swim 19 minutes, Stationary Bike 48 minutes

Went to the gym around 4 PM...never go at that time especially on a Friday afternoon.  It was the only time that worked.  Was worried I wouldn't finish my swimming in time before swim lessons started, but I did.  Both workouts were fine.  Just not my favorite time of day to work out.

Saturday - Rest

Rob was gone all day and there was no way I could run or go to the gym.  Sometimes I wish my gym was open until 10:30 PM on Saturdays (they are M-F) but they close at 8.  There is a market for 24 hour fitness gyms especially for stay-at-home moms.

Sunday - Ran 90 minutes (approx. 9 miles)

Gorgeous day!  So much sun.  I ran at Minto Brown where I have not run since last spring.  It was busy--lots of runners and bikers and tons of walkers.  I wore shorts and a t-shirt--was a little cold.  I could have gotten away with a long sleeve shirt.  Lots of people still in coats.  I get so hot when I run I tend to under dress now versus over.  The run went fine.  I am not as sore as I thought I would be.  I know I can do the 15K--wish I would have done a little more hill training.  But I might do more hills next weekend.

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