Wednesday, March 6, 2013

15 K & Sprint Tri Training Week #9

Monday - Rest Day

Tuesday - Ran 4 miles

I was so glad I beat the rain.  I had a nice run through the Sumpter neighborhood.  Felt nice to be out in the morning.

Wednesday - Group Ride & Swam 20 minutes

Ride is getting easier and more fun.  I did enjoy it.  I pushed myself pretty hard though.  Swimming was fine, but 15 minutes into it I felt like I was going to gag.  Not sure if it was too much fatigue, not breathing properly, or swallowing too much water?  I had to stop for a minute and cough.  I think it was because I took a big swig of water out of the water bottle and then started my next round of laps.  Are you supposed to drink while you are swimming?  I see some with water bottles, but not very many.  Maybe it's not necessary.  I think with these big morning workouts it might be a good idea to take a gu packet in between.  I only eat a small carb snack (graham cracker, granola bar etc.) on the way to the gym, but that might not be enough.

Thursday - Group Power and swam 16 minutes

Group Power was really good.  Not struggling nearly as much on triceps and shoulders.  I did increase the weight on a couple of tracks.  Swimming was better today.  I did a long continuous swim and swam 1/4 of a mile.  It took me about fifteen minutes.  Got recruited again to play water volleyball with the seniors.  Very tempting...looks like they were having fun.

Friday - Swam 26 minutes, Bike 28 minutes

Good workout except I CAN'T DO breaststroke. I don't really need to know how to do it for a triathlon.  I am just very determined (and a little stubborn) and want to learn.  I think the only way I am going to be able to learn is by booking a private lesson.

Saturday - Ran 6 miles

Ugh I totally choked on the Mildred Hills.  I had to walk more than I wanted to.  I don't know if is the cold air, dehydration, or just an "off day" but I couldn't breathe as well.  I couldn't catch my breath.  That caused me to panic.  Once I was on the smaller hills, I was fine.  Really frustrating.  I figure I might have to run/walk some of the bigger hills on the race next weekend, but I am OK with that.  Hills don't come easy for me.

Sunday - Ran 6 miles

Did the exact same route I did yesterday.  Almost felt like I had to redeem myself.  It did go better.  I had to walk--but less.  I found if I stop, take deep breaths and slow my breathing down for about 20-30 seconds--I can start up again and feel normal.  I just feel very winded near the top of the hills.  I am not as worried about Shamrock and I am OK if I have to stop on some of the hills and walk.

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