Monday, March 18, 2013

Sprint Tri Training Week

Monday:  Track Workout
So now that Shamrock is over I don't really need to keep increasing my mileage.  But I want to keep up with my running.  One of the coordinators for Willamette Valley Triathlon was saying it is good to do longer intense workouts on the various disciplines.  Whereas I have been doing good long runs, but little brick workouts with the swimming and biking. Need the long swim and long bike rides (especially outside on my bike).  So this is my schedule until it gets light enough to bike Tuesday mornings.

Monday:  Track Workout
Tuesday:  Rest
Wednesday:  Masters Swim
Thursday:  Group Power & Treadmill Run
Friday:  Brick Workout (Swim & Bike)
Saturday:  Outside Run or Rest
Sunday:  Outside Bike

So this morning I went to the track workout at South Salem High School with some of the club members.  It was stinkin' early and so dark I was not sure where the track was.  I finally found it.  There were about 5 people total doing the workout.  Oh my goodness--they're fast!  Most of the time I could not keep up.  The nice thing is that is on a track--so I would walk the recovery whereas they would run it.  Then I would catch up to them.

I ran the whole cool down with them.  They were all super nice and welcoming.  Really nice people.  I don't know why but I love it when people call you by your name and remember your name.  Everyone did that.  Maybe I am being totally stereotypical here and prejudiced about my Midwest upbringing, but it's so "Oregon."  Everyone is just so open, welcoming, and nice here.  You just don't get that stuffiness or shelteredness.

We did a bunch on intervals and did around 6-7 miles...which is crazy after doing Shamrock yesterday.  But I really enjoyed running with others.  I have been craving that lately.  I think I will go again.

My right foot really hurts right now, but I don't think it's a major injury...just soreness and strain.  I probably won't run until Thursday so it will have time to recover.  I am going to that Masters Swim Class also put on by the club on Wednesday and I hope I don't get my butt kicked...but I probably will!

I really need to push myself.  I tend to err on keeping things easy.  Rob said I can't ever do push ups on my knees.  Ever.  He says if I can run marathons and maintain 8-9 minute miles on short runs than I have no business doing push ups on my knees.  I said, "How do you really feel?"

Tuesday - Rest

My right foot still hurts.  But if it were a stress fracture or plantar fasciitis it would hurt so much more.  It hurts more wearing shoes.  I probably pulled a muscle or strained something.  I'm not that worried about it.  I am in the pool tomorrow.  If it still hurts on Thursday, I'll bike instead of run.

Wednesday - Masters Swim

I made it to the early swim class. Again everyone was SO incredibly nice.  Six people asked throughout the workout how I was doing.  Several people asked if I was going to come back next week.  Never done a big swimming workout like this one. Ever. I can't remember specifically what we did.  I think we did two laps, two laps with the pull buoy, two laps with the kickboard as the warm up.  Then we did 15 x 100 yards at 2:10 laps.  My lane did a slower pace--I was with a middle schooler (the coordinator's son) and a guy with a knee injury.  I also did 50's instead of 100's.  I could not keep up with them.  They were a lot faster.  I stuck with them on the cool down which was 200 yards with the pull buoy.  It still was fun though and I want to keep going.  It was also nice being done with the workout early and having lots of time to sit in the hot tub, sauna, and shower.  Normally the kids are halfway through breakfast by the time I get home.

My foot is a lot better too.  I am going to try to run on it tomorrow on the treadmill.  I'll keep my pace slower especially if is starts hurting.

It is so nice to exercise with others.  It really has been very motivating.

Thursday - Group Power & Ran 5K (about 30 minutes--10 minute miles)

Made it to Power.  Crowd was a little lower.  Workout was fine.  Really pushed myself and kept weight higher.

I ran afterwards on the treadmill.  I kept my pace to 10 minute miles (normally I can do 8:30 or 9:00 minute miles) because of my foot.  Running on it was fine--it didn't really hurt that much at all.  Walking is harder.  It's hurting again, but not nearly as bad as Tuesday.  I think I pulled or strained something on the outside outer edge.  Running the track with the constant turns aggravated it.  I have that before when I ran laps around the park doing intervals.

I've been proud of myself for doing three early mornings this week and I have not been more tired than usual.  If anything I have had more energy and been more pleasant.

Friday - Brick Workout:  Swam 25 minutes & Group Ride

I swam by myself (shared a lane part of the time with a solo swimmer).  My workout was: 1 x 50 warm-up, 1 x 50 warm-up with pull buoy, 10 x 50 at faster pace, and 1 x 100 with pull buoy cool down.  A lot less intense from Wednesday.  I really worked on form especially "big arms" as the kid's swim teachers call it.

I made it to Group Ride.  For some reason it was not as hard today (I did put the gears on) and really fun.  I really enjoyed it.  We did lots of standing climbs which are much easier for me.

I feel a sore throat coming on, I'm losing my voice again--I hope it is a mild cold!  I've enjoyed NOT being sick these past couple of weeks!

Saturday - Rest

Rob's parents were here.  Had a great day with them!

Sunday - Rest

Was going to bike after Rob's parents left.  I didn't and took a nap instead.  Some of it is that I have this anxiety about biking.  I really worry about wiping out, getting hit by a car, or getting another flat tire.  I REALLY need to get over this ASAP.

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