Monday, March 11, 2013

15K & Sprint Tri Training Week #10

Monday - Biked 6 miles, Ran 2

Finally got my road bike out.  First time since November.  I did the same route I ran the last two days and had NO problems getting up the Mildred Hills on the bike.  Didn't even need to stop.  Going to Group Ride has helped more with hills and endurance than I ever guessed.

Going from bike to run was fine.  Running is a little harder after you bike, but I didn't have to walk at all.

I think I am going to the Stayton Sprint Tri in May!!  Only two months away!  Karen is doing it and she said it's laid back and good one for first timers.  I need to register soon because I think it fills up.  They only allow a certain number of people.

I'm also going to the Willamette Valley Triathlon Club Kick-Off Meeting tomorrow night.  Should be interesting.  If there is one thing I want to gain from a group like this--it's networking.  For instance there's a whole bunch of them all riding to Shamrock together this weekend--that would be perfect for races.  Just having people to carpool with.  Or people to bike with.

And Salena is going to teach me breast stroke sometime soon.  I told her she could be my new swimming coach since Josh never got in the water to teach.  I need someone in the water who can actually demonstrate breast stroke.

Tuesday - Rest

It's Saturday as I am writing this so I am trying to remember what I did all week.  And never mind the coffee pot is not working and I didn't get my morning cup of coffee.  :(

Wednesday - Swam 25 minutes

I went to the pool after lunch in the afternoon and then picked up Hailey from school.  Did mostly freestyle.  Tried breaststroke--still frustrated.

Thursday - Swam 16 minutes Biked 58 minutes

Swam after lunch again.  It went fine.  I didn't mind the long biking session either.  I thought I would get bored, but I am getting pretty used to it.

Friday - Group Power & Ran 4 miles

Rob dropped me off at Power.  So good to be there.  It was a really good workout.  Then I ran home.  The only problem was I didn't I need a jacket and I got way too hot.  I tied it around me, but also with my water bottle holder--it was a little awkward.

I also have gotten e-mails from the triathlon club I joined Tuesday night.  Everyone was SO nice and friendly!  Just hate being new to something and not understanding things.  I guess you have to start somewhere.  The workouts are super duper early in the mornings.  That only works with my schedule anyway, but I hate being so blasted tired at night.  One of the swim groups swims at my gym Wednesday mornings and invited me to join.  It looks like an intense workout and I hope I don't regret trying it!  One of my New Years resolutions was to workout more with others.  I've been a lone runner now swimmer & biker for way too long.  I know I may enjoy it even more (and be challenged) if I find some running/swimming/biking buddies.

Shamrock is this weekend!

Saturday - Rest Day

Sunday - Shamrock!  Finished in 1:21.09

It was a great run and so much fun!  The hills were hard.  I was running with a faster pack so it was motivating to keep going and not walk.  I often got passed on the downhill as I tend not to speed up as much as others do.  I did OK on the uphills.  Fun to see others from church there too.  35,000 runners total...crazy!  I may write a longer blog post about it.  It was nice to do a shorter run (versus a marathon) but longer than a 5K.

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