Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Awesome 3000 Training Week #6

Sunday - Active

Hailey was active most of the day playing with her friends.

Monday - Rest

Monday is typically Hailey's rest day. We were going to try and run today since Tuesday is going to Rob's marathon work day...it's harder to get away. He basically works from 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM with a break for lunch. But the weather is just awful. So we put it off until Tuesday hoping we can squeeze it in between Rob's busy work day.

Tuesday - Hailey swam for 30 minutes (swim lessons), ran/walked 10 minutes, running games/sprints for 6-8 minutes

It was a marathon Tuesday because Rob worked all day and was hardly home. We needed a break from the regular routine anyway. Even though she says she hates running in the parking lot, Hailey insisted on it. I told her she could run laps. It actually was a good thing because it was the first time I did not run with her. She disciplined herself to run alone and keep moving. And she did pretty well. I had to encourage her a few times, but she did great. Since she did so good at the beginning, we played Red Light, Green Light, Disco that I think they play at swimming lessons or at school. I could not remember where she told me she learned it. Then we did a few sprints across the parking lot. I have not done any kind of sprint training so it was good for me too. We needed a break from the constant running/walking routine we've done the last few weeks. So it was a good thing.

Wednesday -
Wednesday - Hailey did 3 hill repeats. Derek did 1 up and down the hill.

We did the Hrubetz road hill again to Liberty. I had all three kids with me so I had to be careful letting Hailey and Derek run on the road. They know to stay along the edge and not go near the white line, but they still have to be watched constantly...and reminded. I get a little nervous when they go near the Liberty Bar and Grill driveway because sometimes people peel out of there (but mostly around 2 AM on Friday nights which we get to hear in the summer months when the windows are open). I was holding Kara so I could not run with them. Hailey worked really hard and did well. Derek has some stamina in him and he enjoys being a part of it. He's only three so he doesn't have the drive and focus, but he does like to be included. He is really excited about doing the preschool race. I know it will be fun to watch him...or run with him. I think the adults are supposed to run with the preschoolers, but not totally sure.

Thursday - Hailey did 30 minutes of swim lessons

Friday - Hailey ran/walked for about 15 minutes

Today did not go as well. We went running in the parking lot around 5. Rob was with the kids a good chunk of the afternoon and I felt like he needed a break. So I put Kara in her car and Derek played in the parking lot and church playground. Hailey was not real focused and not running well on her own. I felt that "overstimulated" feeling I get in my brain...a form of anxiety. I have been so busy the last two days trying to finish up this Animal Science course. I took my final this morning, but I have been so tired. The alarm went off this morning and I felt like I could have slept another hour or two. I have had a very minor sore throat and head ache off and on for three days. I should have just taken Hailey running and left the other two kids with Rob because it was too much for me to juggle. I get really frustrated with Hailey when she was just scuffing her feet and not even trying. My moods were off today. Although I controlled it so much better than months ago, I did not feel like I was at my best. I'm hoping we can run tomorrow at the park or I can take her out alone.

Saturday - Hailey ran/walked for about 20 minutes

Today went much better. I was able to get out with Hailey alone. The weather was beautiful. We did the Hrubetz/Nina/Boone/Liberty loop. At first she was not taking it seriously, but after the first 5-6 minutes she really pushed herself and did well. It worked amazing now to run behind her and encourage her. The first few weeks I would have to run beside her and sometimes pull her arm or hold her hand to keep her going. She doesn't want that anymore and values her independence. She wants to run alone. She loves it when I run behind her and cheer her on. She has a great pace. If she can focus and take it seriously, she can do amazing. Yet I also have to realize she is five. Spending time with her and allowing her to try something new is most important right now.

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