Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25 - May 1

Monday - Ran 2 miles & 10 minutes of Ab/Back Workout

I ran during Rob's lunch. When I left it was sprinkling. When I reached Mile #1 it was pouring. I got so drenched. When I came home, I felt like I jumped in a lake. Not fun. Wish it was not going to rain all week because I loved the sun we had on Saturday. The run went good. I feel like I am running at my best right now--have not felt this good running since the fall.

I also want to work on my abs. I feel like my body is a little bit out of proportion. My legs are strong and muscular. I have no fat on my legs. My abs are flabby. Have been that way for awhile. I still could pass for being a few months pregnant. I know a lot of my mom friends look the same way and I am not really not trying to compare myself to other people. I am not trying to lose a ton of weight. I am at a pretty good weight right now. I want to tone my abs and strengthen those muscles. I tried the 10 minute Exercise TV program today. At first it seemed kind of easy. The more I got into it, it was tough. I felt myself working muscles that have not been worked in a very long time. I know I need to do this a couple times a week. It's only ten minutes. But not quite sure when or how to squeeze it in.

My anxiety meds are working. Back in January and February I would wake up in the morning and just feel ticked off. It's hard to explain. I would see messes on the floor and clutter. Instead of accepting it or cleaning, I would get fuming angry. The messy house and Derek and Kara getting "into stuff" were always the biggest triggers. There were other things as well. I am not having a great day today in terms of anxiety, but I am handling it better. I think the medication takes the edge off of it so I can function better. Part of it is the kids and Rob (and me too) are super tired from yesterday. I appreciate Easter. Really I do. It's so much busier for us with Rob preaching extra services. I don't want to deny the kids special outings and traditions because it is exhausting. I am not sure I would want to do it this way next year...I guess we have a whole year and our kids getting a whole year older before we have to decide that one. Even not having an evening service next year might lighten the load a little bit.

Tuesday - Fitness 360 (30 minutes) and Abs/Back Workout (10 minutes)

I figured it would be a very crazy day with Rob working all day, swim lessons, the kids still being tired from the weekend etc. The morning dragged. But I stayed calm all day. My anxiety level was low...I had a few times I felt a little overwhelmed. But nothing at all like months ago...not even close. So I am very, very thankful for that.

I worked out at 6:40 AM and the stretching was really what my body needed. I did the same ab workout while Derek and Kara had their morning snack. Then Derek watched part of it and encouraged me. I want to continue the abs workouts because I feel those muscles being toned and stretched. It's really what I need right now.

Wednesday - Rest

I needed a rest day today. It is a little more crazier working out Thursday mornings when I have MOPS, but as long as I can get it done before 7, it usually works out OK. My abs and shins were hurting and my throat is sore. I think I am catching a cold. My anxiety level was a little higher than yesterday. Again it rises (and I totally recognize and feel it coming on) when I am trying to get kids out the door and when I start studying for vet. stuff. Once I get in the groove of studying it goes away as well as when I am in the van driving to where we need to go. I think recognizing the triggers is the first step to figuring out how to best deal with it. The medication is taking the edge off of it significantly. This week with everything going on would have pushed me over the edge a few months ago--I would have been a basket case at some point. Thankfully my emotions are in check and I am doing OK.

Thursday & Friday - Rest

I did not intend to take two full days off. I have really had to focus on Animal Science the last two days. It's been a TOUGH class this semester and I took my final this morning. I probably won't get my grade until mid next week, but I think I did OK. I'd be really happy to get a B in the course and I think I might get there. I have been super tired at night and I was exhausted this morning when I woke up. The rest is probably what my body needs right now. I am hoping to start a 10K training program next week. The fact Animal Science is over helps. I'm also almost done with my church and MOPS responsibilities as well. Come late May, I am going to have a more open plate again. I have decided not to do a marathon in the fall. Just stick with 5Ks and 10Ks for now. Rob suggested doing the Newport Marathon in June of 2012. I would LOVE to do a marathon on the coast. So that is what I am thinking right now, but of course things can change...that's more than a year away.

Saturday - 2 mile timed run. Mile #1 - 8:20 Mile #2 - 16:25

Last week I got 17:10. I would love to get under 16 minutes. Good run. I felt strong. I think taking the last few days off was smart. My new shoes came in the mail and they feel great!

Sunday - Hills - 3 miles

The weather was awesome--probably in the 70's. Sun. Warmth. Finally!! I hate the Boone hills, but I decided to tackle them. I ran from Hrubetz to Lone Oak to Boone--up and down the hills, turned around and did the whole thing again and came back. A couple weeks ago I had to take a recovery walk after the first hill. This time I was able to run the whole way and I felt great. Tomorrow I want to start the 10K training plan. It's a more detailed than I thought. I don't know if I can pull it off. Mornings are getting easier for me, but it is hard to roll out of bed before 6:30 AM. My body just can't get there. It's worth a shot.

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