Monday, March 7, 2011

Week #4

Monday - Ran 2 Miles

Since I've been eating like crap and have not exercised in 7 days, it was a rough run. I felt pretty out of shape, tired and generally "yuck." I know it will get better. The sun is shining. It is getting warmer. Spring is in the air. We're almost there!

On Tuesday it was my birthday and I was pretty busy with "birthday stuff" so I did not exercise. On Wednesday I woke up with a stomach ache and feared I was getting the intestinal bug everyone previously had. Turned out to not be the case...I was pretty much OK by 10:00 AM. Still was afraid to run and overdue it. I was pretty dehydrated as well. By Thursday and today I had pretty much got in the same rut as last week and gave up on the week. I am pretty frustrated that I cannot establish any kind of running routine and I don't know how I did it this fall. How did I do it!? This morning as I was running errands with Kara, I saw runners everywhere. It is SO beautiful out. It is perfect running weather today.

I am not anxious. I am not dealing with what I dealt with in December and January. I am feeling much more like myself and my brain is not overstimulated. Thank goodness for that. The only way I can explain it is that Animal Science is eating me alive. I studied for almost four hours yesterday and I am still behind. I knew this class would be tough, but it is more than I thought it would be. I enjoy parts of it and I did really well on the last exam. But it is a lot right now. I have too much on my plate. While it was fine most of the fall and winter, it is getting to be too much right now. Next year my only major committments will be junior high youth group, the Banner, and my vet. classes. I will not be doing MOPS leadership, nursery, or the fellowship group I have lead the last three years. I feel good about that. Life has been a little more overwhelming than I would like. My exercise is suffering. I know I have gained a little weight. I know I can get back into it. I am not going to give up.

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