Friday, March 18, 2011

Awesome 3000 Training Week #1

Rob really wants Hailey and possibly Derek to do this kid's race that is in Salem every spring. It started in the early 80's and we have many kids in the our church who grew up doing it. The Salem-Keizer schools promote it, but I think there are a lot of private school kids and homeschoolers who do it too. I'm really glad the idea and interest of it came from Rob. I am the runner, and I don't want to be the one always pushing everyone to go out and run. I was thinking of talking to Rob about having the kids do the Iris Festival Kid's Run, but wasn't sure if it would be too much. So I was thankful Rob brought it up. Rob said he thinks it would be really good for Hailey. Derek has so much stamina that I think he'll be able to do it too.

Hailey is such a perfectionist and worries she won't be able to do it. She quits and gives up easily. Last spring she kept asking me if I would take her running. I took her on a really short run and she loved it. The second time she liked it, but was not as into it. The third time she was so mopey and kept quitting and complaining she could not do it. We're talking super short runs--like less than 1/4 of a mile. So I tried doing some fun running games in the parking lot. This worked a little bit, but still the same issues. I gave up on the whole idea and thought I was pushing her to do something she had little interest in doing.

I also noticed when we were in the Grand Canyon that Derek could hike so much longer and faster than Hailey. I know he was just as tired and she was, but he had much more stamina. Hailey would just flat out quit the second she felt tired. Even as a baby, Derek has always been a go-getter and functioned well off "being tired." He is not as good of a swimmer and is still pretty clumsy in the water. The last time we went swimming I felt like I had to carry him all over the pool and he's three and a half. Hailey was swimming on her own with floats by three. He always wants to be on the steps. He hates swimming around the pool even if you are holding him. Hailey has taken to swimming lessons really well and is learning quickly. I am surprised how much she has accomplished in two months. People have told me I should put Derek in, but he's not as comfortable in the water. I want to wait until he's at least four. It reminds me how different kids are and have different strengths and interests. Neither of my siblings are into running at all. Aside from my cousins, I have not had any family members who train for races or run on a regular basis.

Anyway I wanted to keep track of our training for this Awesome 3,000. We both agree it will be good for Hailey and might help her gain more self confidence.

Thursday, March 17th - Hailey swam for 30 minutes at swimming lessons

Friday, March 18th - Hailey ran 2 minutes, walked 2 minutes for three intervals in the church parking lot. Derek randomly ran and walked in the parking lot.

We explained the Awesome 3,000 and Hailey really wants to do it. Yet she's so worried about running the whole time (we explained it's OK if you have to walk a little) and that her legs will get too tired. It is kind of frustrating because she argues everything. Like I told her to stop and walk and catch her breath and she told me she did not want to breathe. :) I think it is going to be tough for me. I sometimes lack the patience that Rob seems to be much stronger in. Rob reminded me if I keep making excuses than I am doing the same thing Hailey is doing. She runs really well for about a full minute and then quits. I am trying to teach her to pace and not run her absolute hardest, but this takes time and practice. I have seen seventh graders struggle with this. I need to do a better job of running with her...not ahead of her. I was pushing Kara in her car at the same time while I ran so I was not completely focused.

Afterwards she wanted to race Derek, but Derek was not really cooperating. He was doing his own thing. Then Derek said he would race, but he wanted to stand behind the second yellow line, but Hailey insisted they start at the fence. Rob said we were starting behind the yellow line so Hailey refused to participate. Once she saw we were all racing (even Kara riding in the car) she wanted to be a part of it.

So I don't know what I got myself into. Hailey was really happy to put her a smiley face on the calendar after completing a workout. She needs TONS of encouragement, support, and I am being super intentional about this.

Saturday, March 19th - Hailey ran for 2 minutes than walked for 2 minutes for three intervals. Derek just ran around and played. :)

It was like a whole new Hailey today. She was really focused and it helped that she had her own water bottle with her name on it to take with her. She was excited to get her gear already. I explained to her three times what we were going to do and had her repeat it. This helped a lot. I ran with her and she did so much better with pacing. She ran the whole two minutes three times. It was harder for her on the last interval and I had to tell her to keep moving, but she listened and never once said, "I can't." We played some games when we were running like "What is your favorite?" or "Pretend you're in a forest--what do you see?" I was so proud of how she did today. It really made my day...and I was having another crummy morning unforunately. I think if she keeps up this focus, she can totally do it. She's not using her arms a whole at some points she was even putting her hands in her pockets. I think she'll get that with time. The fact she could pace today was a huge accomplishment!

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