Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21 - 27

Monday - Hills - 3 miles I hate the Boone hills, but I decided to do them today. Last spring I really tackled hills and ran in some hilly areas when I thought I would be doing a marathon in the Columbia Gorge. When those plans changed, I still did hills, but not quite so many. I am still intimidated by them. They are way more mental than physical for me. Starting off today, I did not feel as strong and still a little out of shape. I had a side ache and my arms and legs still feel "jelly like" at times. My goal was to run up the first Boone hill and walk up the second. I managed to run up both, but walked at the top of the second. I walked for about a minute to catch my breath. I am really glad I did because I felt way more energized and completed the run at a slightly faster pace. Still don't know if I want to do the 10K or 5K.

Tuesday - Rest Today was super busy as I did a special Spring Break outing with the kids most of the morning. Then I had a ton of studying to do in the afternoon and evening after the kids went to bed.

Wednesday - Cross training I had planned on doing Fitness 360 today, but I did about 3-4 hours worth of cleaning. With all the going up and down the stairs, lifting, vacuuming, I felt like it was enough of a workout for today. I can't belive I got it all done especially with Kara teething and not napping very well.

Thursday - Ran 2 miles I ran this morning at 7 AM and it's been awhile since I've done a morning run. It was pretty tough and I almost walked at one point. It was only two miles and my regular course. I felt winded and lacking strength. But I completed it. My throat is also sore, but it's either because I am getting a cold or the fact I did a lot of yelling yesterday. Really got the work on the yelling. It feel like it's part of my DNA, but too much is not a good thing.

Friday & Saturday - Cross training Did lots of swimming at Great Wolf Lodge and walking around Portland

Sunday - Sick Was hoping for a good run in the afternoon, but I came down with a stomach bug in the afternoon. Yuck!

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