Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Awesome 3000 Training Week #3

Sunday - Hailey was only active running around at church. We had a very busy weekend and I got sick in the afternoon so we did not get any training in today.

Monday - Hailey ran in PE Hailey ran in PE class, but not sure how far they run. I was hoping to take her out running, but I was still sick. I was pretty much on the couch all afternoon.

Tuesday - Hailey cross trained Hailey had her regular swimming lesson at the dome and she did awesome. She is really progressing.

Wednesday - Ran 2 minutes/walked 2 minutes for three intervals Hailey struggled today because we've been out of the running routine. I know she is active at school during recess. But she needs the structured running time if she is going to do this race. She did not fight it. She wanted to practice today and was excited to get outside. I knew she would have a harder time today so I was somewhat prepared for that. She wanted to quit after 30 seconds to a minute, but I encouraged her to keep going. We've been out of a routine so it's been tougher on her. She did OK. I ran with Kara in her pink car. My stomach is still not quite right so it was harder for me too. I am glad we got out there and did it. We had a good talk about doing your best and it does not matter how fast everyone else goes. We had a great talk about completing the race and finishing versus quitting in the middle. I am not sure how she will do in the actual race, but the training has been good for the both of us.

Thursday - Ran 2 minutes/walked 2 minutes for three intervals, Swimming lessons, biking

Finally some good weather!!! Felt like summer...or at least how spring is supposed to feel. Hailey struggled at first again, but did better with each interval. I told her if she ran the full 2 minutes during the last interval without stopping or complaining she was too tired, she could pick where she wanted to run tomorrow. And she could pick anywhere. That was a big incentive and it worked. She did great. Not sure how the 4 minute interval is going to go. She's nervous about it. I think we need to take a break from the church parking lot and run on the street or at the park. But I know she can do it. She just has to know that she really can do it. Hailey also did swimming lessons today and biked for about 15 minutes as well.

Friday - Ran 4 minutes/walked 2-3 minutes/ for three intervals, biking

I knew this would be a tougher workout for Hailey, but she stuck with it and did well. We ran to Wendy Kroger Park and did laps around the park. Derek did some of the running too. He has good stamina for a three year old. She struggled making four minutes and had to stop once or twice. She had to grab my hand and run with me after about two minutes. But she complained very little and kept going. I know this whole training has been good for her. She is speaking way more positive about it versus "I won't be able to do it." Running with me and racing is coming out in her drawings. I know kids draw pictures of their daily life and things on their mind. I remember doing the same thing as a child. I am really proud of her. This whole experience has been good for me too. We also were outside from around 11:30 until 12:40 or so. We biked in the parking lot again and played in the backyard. I am loving this weather!! I feel like we are birds finally being let out of a cage.

Saturday - Rest

Today was kind of a rough day for me and I was not feeling well. The weather was not as great so we were not able to go running.

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