Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 14 - 20

I decided not to go to Eugene on April 30th and run the 5K and it is purely financial reasons. I know I could run the 5K and do well. I looked at my sock drawer the other day and realized I was down to two good pair of socks. I realized I needed to use some of "my allowance money" to purchase things I have put on hold--like new socks (which I bought a whole bunch of last weekend), a nice pair of jeans, a nice haircut etc. True a 5K doesn't cost as much. But when you factor in driving to Eugene, finding a motel room, meals etc. I would rather use the money for something else. Plus with Animal Science eating me alive, I am trying to get caught up on studying over the weekends. The last two weekends have been super, super busy and that has not happened. It is a new week. And I need the exercise and I do want to run. I am thinking about doing the Iris Festival 5K in mid May. I did it last year. The course was boring and the weather was awful. It was a big race and it's close to home. Trena and I had to leave right away because she had to get to a wedding so we couldn't stay for the awards or the parade. If the weather is nice, I am sure the kids would love to see the parade. I can register the day before...I don't have to decide right now.

Monday - Ran 2 miles

It was a good run. I did my regular 2 mile square from Hrubetz to Lone Oak to Browning to Liberty. I feel out of shape and not at my best. I have been having some dehydration issues as well. For the most part I felt pretty good. I still hate the Liberty stretch, but I have the stamina to keep going and not resort to walking. I ran during Rob's lunch.

In terms of anxiety I had a pretty major set back today which was very frustrating. I had made a lot of progress and thought that I was past some of the hormonal issues I had in December and January. Today was pretty rough. I woke up in the morning with arm shakiness and it went downhill from there. Last night my head was throbbing so bad, I went to bed at 9:45 PM. I feel like I worked through the issues that were making my mind race, and I feel like I was in a better and completely healthier mindset this morning (it is Tuesday as I am writing this). I am a little disappointed in the whole situation.

Tuesday - Fitness 360 Cardio - 20 minutes

I waited until the craziest time of day to do this and I can't believe it actually worked and I completed it. And I felt so good! The stretching was just what I needed. I did it at 4 PM. Hailey was coloring, Derek watching fire truck videos on You Tube and Kara was eating Teddy Grahams in her high chair. The last 6 minutes or so I had to pause it as Kara was done eating. I let Kara run free in the family room and Hailey watched her. Hailey tried to do some of the stretches too. I actually had Kara on my lap for some of the cool down stretches and she seemed to like that. :) It made me realize our lives aren't so crazy anymore. It is very chaotic at times, but Hailey is so much more independent and Derek is getting there too. I wouldn't want to work out like this everyday, but it was OK for today.

I didn't really have any anxiety today at all and felt like I was in a much healthier mindset.

Wednesday - Yoga Sculpt 30 minutes

Tried a new yoga program on On Demand. They are so different. This was an intermediate one and it totally kicked my butt. I felt like I could not keep up with it or hold the poses. So I am going to switch back to Yogaworks. The only problem with Yogaworks is that it's an hour and it's hard to find that time in the afternoon or morning. I hate waiting until the evening after the kids go to bed. I study better in the evenings versus the afternoons these days. I am glad I tried it and it was a great workout. It just feels good to back on an exercise routine again. It's a little tricky now with Hailey in afternoon swimming lessons. I am making it work. I just don't want to run in the mornings until the summer when I am not pressed to get Hailey ready for school. I like sleeping until 6:45 or 7. Maybe I'll change my mind again.

Thursday - Ran 2 miles

I ran at 5 PM and it was sunny and warm. It's been raining off and on all day so I was thankful I missed the rain. It was a really good run. I am feeling better. Yoga killed me yesterday and my whole body hurt when I woke up. I strained something in my left thigh (this is the only area that felt overly sore and strained after the marathon), but it didn't hurt when I was running. I have been trying to stretch a little bit throughout the day and that seems to help.

I didn't have a terrible day, but it was stressful at times too. Not really anxiety, but more just tired of being a stay-at-home mom and sick of everyone in my space. The kids have had several nights out this week which is not normal and Derek was really acting up a lot today mostly out of sleep deprivation. I think Rob is going to give me a couple hours to myself tomorrow. I feel really drained from all the house cleaning and wiping up messes.

Friday - Rest

Was really drained and tired today. Decided to make it a rest day. Although I helped Hailey with her Awesome 3,000 training (am doing separate posts on that) and I walked with all the kids and Rob to the post office and to the grocery store. Thankful for nice weather today so we could get out.

Saturday - Ran 3.5 miles

I did my three and a half mile route from Lone Oak to Holder to Liberty. So nice to run in the evenings now and it is light. It's been in high 40's/low 50's so the weather is perfect. And not too much rain either. I felt really strong and like I can start getting my mileage up again. I know this upcoming week is going to be off with my parents coming and going up to Washington. Hopefully I can get in at least 2-3 good runs.

Sunday - Ran 2 miles

I did my regular two miler and the weather was great...warmer than yesterday. Slight mist in the air, but no rain. It was tough! Why is 2 miles tough!? I think it was a dehydration issue. I basically only drank coffee and Diet Mountain Dew all day and not much water...yeah not good. I typically have my water bottle out on the counter all morning and afternoon and drink out of it whenever I pass by. Sundays are so off because we're at church so much of the day. Different routine. I completed it though.

Aletha really wants to do the Newport Marathon in 2012 which would be a little over a year from now. I hope it works out to do it together! I would love to have someone to go to one with. I'm thinking I would love to do Portland or San Francisco Women's this fall or find a local 1/2 marathon. Nothing to commit to right now...just dreaming.

I am thinking about doing a 5k or 10k in Lebanon on Easter weekend. Rob said he could combine it with a visit to Dorothy. He would be about due for one. Dorothy loves seeing our kids so I am sure she'd appreciate it too. Her house is pretty child proof. Not sure if I want to do the 5k or 10k. Leaning towards the 10k, but have to get my mileage up to 6-7 miles in three weeks or so.

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