Tuesday, May 31, 2011

10 K Training Week #5

Sunday - Cross training - 30 minute hike
While on our church campout, I went for a walk around the lake and around the camp (about 30 minutes total) with Kara on my back in the back carrier. She was much heavier than when I hiked with her last fall! My goodness--my shoulders were killing me. It was a good workout and I LOVE being out in nature and hiking--so much solitude! Derek and Rob were napping in the cabin and Hailey was fishing with Caleb and his girls. We're going to try more hiking with the kids this summer.

Monday - Rest
We were pretty dead and very crabby when we got home from Camp Tadmor. Derek was miserable in the car and Kara was exhausted. They napped ALL afternoon. The fact we got to sleep until 8:30 AM did not make me overly tired--I did not nap in the afternoon. But I was ready for bed by 9 PM.

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles
I had not run in well over a week so I knew my muscles would be pretty tight. It felt good to get moving again and run. I just ran to Woodmansee Park and back. I wanted someting flat and boring. It rained all morning, but thankfully was sunny by noon. Did I say this spring has been awful weather wise? Glad I am not training for a marathon.

I also did the 10 minute solution workouts on Netflix (thighs and abs). Although I was interrupted three times by children and the door bell...and then the phone which I did not answer (I figured it was for Rob anyway). It felt nice to do some stretching.

Wednesday - Rest

Had a very busy morning, afternoon, and evening. Rob and I are both having a tough time getting up before 7. We've been sleeping until 7 almost every morning. I have been really tired at night starting around 9 since we came home from Tadmor. Yuck. Want to get over this fatigue, but the last two weeks have been non-stop busy. Guess I cannot expect anything more.

Thursday - Intervals - 9 x 400s

Was scheduled to a tempo run, but wanted to intervals instead since I have only done them once since I started training for this race. The weather was crummy as usual, but thankfully not raining too hard. I almost felt like screaming outside at the rain today or cussing...yes it is affecting me THAT MUCH. I am also having a bad hormone day which has caused extra anxiety, but thankfully I am handling it better and not making everyone around me miserable. Anyway the intervals went great and were exactly what I needed. I felt refreshed and renewed when I came home...and the anxiety level has been lower ever since. I don't like the fact I am going to miss four days of running next week with Rob at Synod. I am hoping to do some extra cross training at home.

Friday - Hills - 3 miles Stretching and abs

I decided to run up the Lone Oak Hill which is the absolute steepest hill. Never have run up it. Only down it...and it was really hard on my knees. My goal was to run up as much as I could. I knew I would need to walk a little and I was right. I ran up the first part, walked about 2-3 minutes, ran up the second part, walked about 3-4 minutes and then ran the rest of the workout without stopping. I ran in the new housing development off Mildred then put me back on Holder and then back to Lone Oak. This is where I took the kids sledding about three years ago when we had that artic blast. So many houses have gone up in that area. Good rolling hills. The weather was beautiful--finally sunny and in the 60's.

I was going to do the 10 minute solutions, but we've had sporadic Internet today. It was down at the time. So I did my own strength training and abs workout which was probably not as good, but it was better than doing nothing. :)

Saturday - Long Run - 6 miles

Pretty psyched to be up to 6 miles! It was not easy actually. I struggled at times. I loved being back on Barnes by the Wes Bennet park & neighborhood. I had not run over there since training for Sacramento. It is such a nice peaceful area. I decided to run the Baxter hills...always avoided them. That is one of my goals with this training--do a little more with hills. I knew I would not be able to run up all the hills, but I only walked about 4-5 minutes up the last 1/3 of the first hill. All the rest I ran up and down. I actually felt the best around Mile #4. I was very thirsty. I stopped for water at Woodmansee Park and was going to get water there again on the way back. There was this big birthday party going on with these little kids all playing in the water fountain so I just kept going. I need to get a new water carrier. I am not sure where mine is, but it does not hold enough. I really liked the one the girl I met at Sacramento from Coos Bay had. It had four different little bottles on it and a zipper back for energy bars. I was shopping on line today and saw them for like $25-30, but I am wondering if I can get one cheaper at the discount sports store.


  1. weather has been horrible here, too, which is why I never got back into running outside. We have had so much rain this spring, and we've skipped the 60's & the 70's entirely and have alternated between weather in the 50's, 80;s or 90's. Very weird spring - didn't know you guys were having a strange spring, too - thought it was just the midwest!

  2. We've barely hit the 70's. High 40's - low 60's everyday. We'll have one sunny day and then ten rainy days in a row. Derek actually cried over the weather yesterday and I felt like joining him!
