Monday, June 6, 2011

10K training Week #6

I am going back to my weeks being Monday - Sunday instead of Sunday - Saturday. Yesterday (Sunday) I did not run, but took a much needed rest. I did take the kids to the park and played with them so I did not lay around all day. :)

Monday - 3 mile run & 10 minute solutions - arms and abs
It's funny how long runs can go so well and a 3 mile short run is tough. I think it is mental. I expect it be so easy going and it's not. I ran my regular three mile route - Lone Oak to Holder to Liberty. The weather was perfect. People are complaining about the rain coming back, but I'm just glad we're staying in the 60's and it's not so cold. I am thankful the kids still got some outside time today despite it being cloudy. I'll take that over what we had last week. :) I ran during Rob's lunch. I am finding I crave that midday break. As long as Rob does not mind, I am going to keep that as my prime running time until it starts getting into the 80's--which for us can be as late as mid July. It will be easier to run in the mornings once Hailey is done with school and Rob is back from Grand Rapids. Then I can easily run around 6:45 AM and be back before Rob goes into the office.

The 10 minute solutions is still really good for me. I want to stick with it for a few more weeks and then try something else on Netflix. I did the arms workout instead of the thighs and I felt it right away. I had not done arms/chest stretches for awhile. The abs workouts are still really good--not sure if I am seeing huge results. I honestly probably am not doing them enough. They recommend 4-5 times a week. It's hard enough scheduling running times in, but maybe I can be more dilligent with it once school lets out? Don't want to set my goals too high.
I am still planning on doing the 10K at the end of this month. We'll see where I go from there.

Tuesday - Intervals - 10 x 400m

I did enjoy doing intervals today and I pushed myself pretty hard. I felt like I got my speed up to the point I was craving that break in between the intervals. I ran to Woodmansee Park and ran on one of the trails in the park as well. All in all I felt pretty good. Now things are a little crazy with Rob being in GR. I am going to run tomorrow night as Denise offered to watch the kids. Then I probably will not run again until Sunday night.

Wednesday - Ran 5.5 miles

It was so nice that Denise could come and play with Hailey and Derek...and put them to bed. I had such a wonderful run to the Sumpter Park neighborhood and back. The weather was perfect and I felt great. I must have worked myself pretty hard because my legs are pretty sore today. We are having perfect running weather right now. There were so many people out walking and running last night.

Thursday & Friday - Rest

I had not planned on working out these days. With Rob away in Michigan, it is too much to find people to watch the kids so I can run. With Hailey's graduation and everything else, the break was needed anyway. Thankfully this is the first time I have been on my own with the kids and not in a constant state of anxiety. It has all gone very, very well. Stressful at times, yes. But not overwhelming. The kids have done great.

Saturday - Cross training - 10 minute Solutions for 45 minutes

I did the whole 10 minute solution program which works the glutes, abs, arms, and thighs. I skipped the 5 minute cool down. The glutes was the most challenging. I could really feel it. I thought the whole thing was not a major workout, but the fact I am a little sore right now makes me think it was what I needed. I know of two runners who got major injuries that put them out of major races from cross training and strength training workouts. I could probably work myself a little harder on cross training or strength training days, but I am really cautious of it.

Sunday - Long Run - Ran 7 miles

Today was one of those days where I felt like I could run forever. It felt so refreshing to run! I felt amazing. I love days like this. My mom came at 4 PM. She put Derek and Hailey to bed. I ran from around 7:45 - 9:00 PM with a 10 minute water/pit stop after Mile #5. My five mile run only took me 45 minutes. I went a little a slower the last 2 miles. I felt great. I am glad my mileage is up again. Can't wait for the 10K!

My friend Alyssa is started a big weight loss project with some of her friends. My weight is pretty normal for my height. I am not out to try and lose a whole bunch of weight. I do want to focus on eating healthier and working my abs. So I signed on to one of the calorie counting sites and I am going to try to do abs 3-4 times a week versus just twice a week. If I can lose a couple pounds or tone my flabby areas, I am all for it! I have been eating way more fruits and veggies in the last few weeks so that is a start.

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