Monday, June 13, 2011

10 K Training Week #7

Monday - 3 miles run, 10 minutes of arms/chest, 5 minutes of abs

It's going to be a lot of running this week. If I complete everything, it will be the most miles I have run in quite awhile. I felt sore from last night's run. I ran around 3:30 PM when the younger ones were napping and Hailey was playing a game with my mom. I felt light headed around Mile #1. Not enough water. I got more at Woodmansee Park and that faintness went right away. I was able to complete everything. I did the arms/chest on the 10 Minutes Solutions on Netflix. I did my own ab workout so I could listen to Synod. Am I a Christian Reformed geek or what? Had a really good discussion with some people from Chicago, Canada, and California. It's help me feel connected to what is going on. Not sure if I should run tomorrow or take it as rest day. I will probably decide last minute and it depends on what we do in the afternoon.

Tuesday & Wednesday - Rest

Both these days were super busy and there was not a break in any part of the day to run. I got myself some slack. Even with my wonderful mom here helping me out, it is hard to get those runs in. Sleep has been way off. I can hardly get out of bed before 8 AM (the kids have been sleeping in too). I am falling asleep after midnight. I have been active enough with the kids at the park and I worked in the garden as well weeding.

Thursday - Tempo run - 50 minutes

Yes! Got a run in this afternoon around 4 PM. Came home to my sweet mom doing crafts with all three children around the kitchen table. :)

I am not sure if I am supposed to run at a slower pace, work up to a 5k pace, and then slow down. I kind of did longer intervals. I ran slow for a mile and a half, then hit it hard, then slowed down for a mile, and then ran hard for a mile. I walked about 30 seconds. Then ran the last five minutes quite slow. I felt like it was a good workout and the pacing was helpful. The only issue was I got really winded around Mile #3 to the point I could not take deep breaths very well. It hurt. It's like what Rob gets in high humidity when he can't catch his breath. My mom said she had the exact same thing when she walked to Walgreens this afternoon. I really felt such a difference in the air today...curious it was high humidity. I know the air was much warmer and my body is not used to that yet. I always go through that when spring turns to summer. I am really thankful I got a good run in today. I really needed it.

Friday - 4 mile Run & 10 minutes glutes & 10 minutes abs

The run went fine. I ran at 7:45 PM and ran to and around Sumpter Park and back. I felt the best on the last mile again. No pain anywhere. I still had some seasonal allergy issues again, but not near as bad as yesterday. It started getting breezy and cooling off at 6 PM. We're supposed to get a little bit of rain tonight and some tomorrow so I felt the weather patterns changing.

The other workouts were fine. Glutes way more challenging than abs. I need to find a new abs workout as this one is not as quite challenging anymore. That's a good thing.

Rob is home now!!!

Saturday - Rest

Yesterday we were so fatigued and by 7 PM I was spacey. Our Internet was down the entire nap time and I could not get any of my Banner work or church work done. So Rob sent me to the Roths cafe from 6 - 8:15PM and I got so much done. It dawned on me by 7 that I had not not even run that day even though I planned to. I was surprised because I will often forget about the laundry or to send an e-mail to someone, but never about running. I knew by that point it was too late. I did not feel too bad about either. We were so tired. Rob and I ate Garlic Jims, watched two old Cosby episodes on Netflix and went to bed. I heard Hailey coughing during the night and she woke up sick. Seems to be on the mend, but still really fatigued and no appetite.

Sunday - Ran 8 miles

Yay! I made 8 miles. I ran around 3:30 PM. I did my 8 mile route I have not done since the fall around the Rees Hill loop. It started out hot outside. I took Powerade and a Gu packet in my new water bottle holder. By around Mile #3 I did not feel quite so hot and less dehydrated, but I felt like my stomach was off. I thought 1) I am getting sick and catching what Hailey has (and Rob has it mildly) or 2) I am really anxious about running 8 miles. I think it was more of #2 because once I was through the Rees Hill neighborhood I felt more relaxed and I was running even better. I felt the best around Mile #5. I barely stopped. Just at Commerical and Madras for gu. I drank Powerade at every red light. Then I allowed myself to walk up the Idylwood Hill. My stomach was acting up again and this time it was not anxiety. I don't think my system is used to the powerade and gu yet. It takes a couple weeks.

I figure if I get sick this week, I can run another 10K. There's two close by in July. So I am not really sweating if I miss out. We don't have a whole lot going this week so I am not too worried about it. I just hope we all get over the fatigue and everyone can have their energy back soon.

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