Monday, June 20, 2011

10K Training Week #8

Monday - Rest

I had thought resting might be a good day today after such a long run today. Honestly I was hoping to get a 3 miler in this afternoon. Not the case. Rob was feeling sick last night after we watched a movie. It turned into full blown sick during the night and he was pretty much in bed all day. I juggled everything including overseeing the whole canvassing the neighborhood for the park ministry which was a little crazy with juggling my kids at the same time. In the end it worked out really well. I was really active with Hailey in the backyard. We played soccer and ran around. I have not been doing a lot of cross training, but I have taken the kids to the park a lot and played with them. I am basically counting that as my cross training until I can do more. I still planning on running on Friday. I just have to realize I could get sick since typically (though not always) catch it after Rob. He was only down for a day as was Hailey. It hit them both pretty hard. I did find another 10 day at the end of July here in Salem. I would be OK with waiting another few weeks. We'll just see what happens the next few days.

Tuesday & and the rest of this week...

On Tuesday night I felt exhausted. I was outside with the kids pretty much the whole day. I was in the sun. But my throat was starting to hurt. I had a feeling it might be strep again. Rob tried to convince it wasn't. I don't blame him because it actually motivated me to not freak out and enjoy my evening before I was doomed to strep throat for a day. By the way as I am writing this, I am on some really strong medication that is making me loopy and like my head is partially a balloon. So hopefully this makes sense.

I went running for 3 miles Tuesday night. I ran to the Vista Roths and back. I felt a little more fatigued than usual. Not to an extreme. I've had 3 milers this training period that have been worse. Anyway when I got home, I was exhausted. Normally I have energy to do 10 minutes of thighs and 10 minutes of abs. I could not do anything. Just lay on the couch and watch TV. Throat was getting worse. Dumb throat kept me from sleeping well. In the morning I told Rob at 7:15 AM my throat hurt and I needed to go the doctor. He was really surprised and asked if I was just in a panic. I said I was not anxious and was not in a panic. My throat hurt. I could hardly swallow anything. It was not as bad as last time, but I was pretty sure it was strep again.

This time they swabbed it and I almost threw up on the nurse. Sure enough it was positive. The doctor put me on this strong antibiotic. I was in a loopy sleepy phase from 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM. I remember Rob coming in the room a few times, but I don't remember much else. Just that I wanted to sleep. By 8 PM, I felt better and was up and and walking around the house. Today, other than feeling slightly light headed and dizzy I am getting things done around the house. The house is a complete mess, but that is to be expected with everything this week. I had such a great day with the kids on Monday & Tuesday that I would not count this week a full loss.

I can't run the 10K tomorrow. I could probably do the 5K, but with the strong antibiotics, I am a little scared of falling or worse passing out or puking (one of the other side effects is nausea). There are a couple 10ks in July--one in Riverfront Park where the kids love to go. So I will probably just repeat the last 4 weeks of training, but keep my long runs at 7-8 miles. Then I hope to do one of those. I guess that is the way things go sometimes.

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