Monday, May 9, 2011

10K training Week #2 - May 9-15

Monday - Ran 3 miles, 10 minutes of stretching, 10 minutes of back/abs

I had a crummy morning. I felt pushed over the edge. I do Hailey's hair in the middle bathroom every morning before she goes off to school. I have to close the door or Kara will push all the shampoo bottles into the tub, empty all the bath toys, put things in the toilets or pull all the toothbrushes off the counter and put them in her mouth. It only takes me a few minutes to do her hair. As I get out of the bathroom I see Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies all over the floor. I intentionally put the cereal away in the cabinets after we're done eating because Kara and Derek were climbing on the table eating it out of the box after breakfast and spilling it all over the place. Apparently Derek started playing in the cabinets and Kara, of course, was joining in. It should not be a big deal--cereal all over the floor. But it was the last straw. I have been dealing with this kind of stuff multiple times throughout the day for weeks on end. People complain about "the terrible twos." I have a much harder time with "the threes." When Hailey was three, I really struggled. I remember feeling this way and felt like I was losing my mind. Needless to say I made Derek clean it all up. It took him a 1/2 hour, but he stuck with it and did it. The boy is not defiant. He never fights time out or really only fights discipline when he is tired. He's not mouthy. He just gets into everything and breaks things.

Then the family room was an absolute disaster. Like I can't ever remember it being so bad. It was like someone picked up the room, shook it, and everything scattered all over the place. We found Legos in just every single corner of the room. It took over an hour and a half to clean it and I think that's a new record. Derek helped me and did pretty well. Kara's room is terrible too and we have to tackle that later this afternoon. While I was on the phone with my parents last night, Derek and Kara had "let's just trash the room for the heck of it" including throwing clothes and laundry everywhere. It kept them occupied, but I hate it when the rooms get so bad.

Then I had some issues with my current Banner article, but I think those are ironed out. I have to write two articles tonight and I'm still waiting on photos for one and another response for a second. They have to be in by morning Eastern time. I hate playing it so close, but my sources are really busy like me. I have to be patient with them.

So I knew I HAD TO RUN this afternoon. There was no skipping that. Yes, now my mind feels much clearer and I feel less overwhelmed. Exercise is wonderful, isn't it? If only people knew how much better it makes you feel. How it does not make your problems go away, but they seem much smaller and less looming. I tell so many people I don't exercise for the physical benefits...that's an added bonus. I do it for the mental benefits...which of course affect the physical.

I ran my regular three mile route on Lone Oak and Holder. Kind of wish I would have been able to cross train because I did not feel as strong. My right heel was hurting and my body felt tight. I had a side ache off and on. I kept moving and some stretching will help. The abs workout and stretching workout have been very good for me. I am glad I am implementing them into my workout.

Tuesday - Rest

Did not really plan on resting today at all. I was out late and then I had to write two Banner articles. I was not asleep until 12:30 AM. I did not want to try and get up and run. Running in the late afternoon was not possible.

Wednesday - Cross training?

Been really struggling with mornings. I just can't get up. I am usually awake by 6:40. If I had two just a two mile run or exercise TV program, I could do it. Running 3-4 miles and being back by 7 is not possible. It will be much easier in the summer and more doable because we won't have school to worry about. The kids generally sleep in until 7:30 or 8 on the weekends. Kara will sometimes get up early, but it all depends. I was going to run at 5:45 PM, but then Rob realized his meeting was not at 6:30 PM not 7 PM. I did a ton of a whole bunch of it. Derek and I cleaned his room and Kara's room. Hailey helped with Kara's room. I cleaned my room and vacuumed most of the first floor. I also scrubbed all the walls in the bathroom. I worked up a sweat and did it more than an hour so I think it qualifies as cross training.

Thursday - Ran 3.5 miles

Yay! I got out bed before 6:30 AM. The light was so bright in the morning it woke me up. I got out the door by 6:30. I did my regular 3 mile route to Lone Oak, Holder, and Liberty. Then I went an extra half mile to Idylwood and back. I normally don't run as well in the early mornings, but I strong and great. It was a good way to start my day!

Friday - 8 x 400 5km pace Intervals

Still trying to figure out what intervals are. I do about 90 seconds of hard running and then 90 seconds of a slow pace. I do it by time, but distance wise it was about three miles total. I used to hate the stop and start, slow and fast combo. When I trained for the riverbank run in 2003, I did something similar to intervals. You actually stopped and walked. I hated that. This time I run a fast pace and then slow down to a slower pace. I only walked a couple feet to the crosswalk on Kuebler. It's really helping me with pacing and it's a different workout. So I do like the variety in it. I would like to try it on a track. For now I just picked a flat course and used my stopwatch.

Saturday - Hills 4 miles

I ran on the hills behind Roths again and then ran up Joplin to Crosian Scenic road. The first hill on Cunningham is always a killer. I almost walked. Once I get past that, I am usually OK. I feel even better after the first mile and a half. It was a good course and I would do it again. The weather was a little cloudy, but no rain. Temperature was high 50's so pretty comfortable.

I need to find a new strength training workout and abs workout. We just cut our cable back to basic and lost all our "on demand channels." We're saving a ton of money. While I do miss Exercise TV, I don't seem as affected by all the extra channels we don't have. Honestly with Netflix back, the kids don't really care either. I am looking on Netflix for something and Rob found some yoga videos on the the Sports Network we get. I need to go through it and see if we can find one that works. Not an excuse not to do abs, but I miss my Amy Dixon video.

Sunday - Long run - 5 mile run, 10 minutes of abs and stretching

I was surprised that it hurt and was uncomfortable to run. I felt tired, dizzy at points (yes, I am drinking enough water) and wanting to walk. I did not stop and walk...sometimes it's easier to just keep moving. I did my five route to the Sumpter neighborhood which is not very hilly. I actually felt the best around the last mile. The weather was perfect. It was supposed to rain today, but thankfully held off. The high 50's/low 60's was wonderful. Today was one of those days I needed to run again. Not the kids this time. Just other stressors. I knew if I would have laid around all afternoon, I would be in a pretty crummy mood right now.

I did my own ab workout and stretching. I kind of remember the ab workout from the song "Who Are You" from Group Power. So I did it as best as I could remember it with some simple stretching. My abs killed throughout the whole thing so I knew I was working them. Does it make sense that I need to stretch to music but I prefer NOT to run to music?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you about the OTHER benefits of running. Besides the fact that I have TONS more energy when I'm running regularly, I am more relaxed, more focused, clear-headed, and am all around happier. If people only knew what they are missing...
