Monday, May 16, 2011

10K training Week #3 - May 16 - 22

First of all let me say that when I started this running blog, I was not sure people would actually read it. Who wants to read about my daily workouts!? I am honored that some of you do and have been very supportive and encouraging to me. It is not easy to run 5-6 days a week with my schedule and demands, but I can't imagine NOT doing it. So thank you. :)

Monday - Ran 3 miles, 10 minutes of legs, 10 minutes of abs

It was not easy to run today. My legs felt like jello. My side ached off and on. Again I felt my best around mile 2 - 2.5. I did my regular route from Lone Oak to Holder to Liberty. Very few hills. I think my body is just tired. I've done some pretty intense workouts the last few days. I was not going to run today because I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch at the park with the kids. Hailey woke up with a stomach ache (thankfully she's feeling better and should be able to go school tomorrow) and we cancelled. So I took advantage of Rob being home for lunch from 12 - 1 and ran from 12:15 - 12:45. The kids were super crabby today anyway so maybe it was for the best. Kara is teething really bad and was feverish by bed time. Derek was crabby and exhausted. I could hardly wake him from his afternoon nap.

I did a new exercise video on our Instant Netflix called 10 minute Solution: Target Toning. I have to say I love it! I like it even better than Exercise TV which I was missing since we dropped our extended cable. I am going to stick with it for awhile, but I also get a few exercise videos on Instant. So I can switch it up if I get bored with it or need something new. My abs are being worked and it feels great to work a part of my body I neglected for too long.

Tuesday - Rest Day

Enjoyed it!

Wednesday - Ran 4 miles

Not sure what my deal is. My body is very tired. It was a tiring day. Kara napped maybe an hour and is teething really bad. Derek was a handful in the morning. This afternoon I felt a sore throat coming on. I felt like I could have laid on the couch and slept. I wanted to go running. I got out at 7 PM. The run went pretty well. I did not have to stop to walk. My heels hurt, my shins ache a little bit, and I just feel--tired. Hard to explain it. It's like my mind wants to go and my body can't keep up. I felt a little better by Mile #3. My throat still hurts and I have a minor head ache. It's either I am catching a cold even though no one in the house has had one. Kara had a very mild one, but always gets one when she is teething. Or it's seasonal allergies. I had awful season allergies in Michigan starting around 1996 and they were at their absolute worst the summer we moved. I've had nothing since we moved to Oregon, but have had sneezing, sinus pressure, head aches for the first time this spring. They say the pollen count is crazy and allergies are at their worst in Oregon this spring so it makes sense. Now that I am sitting here, I am feeling a little bit better. Honestly I could lay on the couch all night and watch movies and call it good. I was not going to try and accomplish anything tonight anyway.

Thursday & Friday - Rest

Little did I know the throat thing was strep. Never had it before. I know enough people who have had it to recognize the symptoms. I went to bed at 9 on Wednesday night. My throat kept me up all night long. By 6 AM I was crying. Rob brought me some Extra Strength Tylenol and PowerAde. It took the edge off and I managed to sleep off and on until 7. I managed to get a 9:20 doctor appointment. He told me my glands were totally swollen and my throat looked absolutely terrible. He said it was a good thing I came in when I did so I start the antibiotics right away. My throat felt like it has knives in it. I took Tylenol throughout the whole day and did not do much of anything. I probably could have eaten, but it hurt so bad. Today it still hurts, but it is slightly better. I am just a little weak and fatigued. I am supposed to run in the Run For The Iris tomorrow and I asked the doctor if that would be OK. He said the fact I'm a long distance runner, I could handle it. He said not expect to break my PR and walk if I need to. I'm already feeling better now (it's around 10:00 AM so I think I'll feel even better tomorrow). I tried to quarantine myself as best as I could so no one else gets it. I know it can be really contagious. So far everyone is doing OK.

Saturday - Race for the Iris 5K - 24:18!! Second in my age category

I went out to my friend Kelly's to scrapbook Friday night. My throat still had that knife feeling a little bit, I knew it was getting better. I felt fine. Saturday morning I knew I could run. I felt like I could run pretty normally, but I was not going to push myself if I felt weak. The weather was perfect--not too hot but not too cold, no rain. I ran the race last year with Trena so I knew the course. Rob dropped me off at the packet pick up in the Safeway parking lot. For some reason I had it in my mind he was going to meet me at the starting line which is at the Roths parking lot in front of Starbucks. I walked over there with my packet. Only a few minutes to the start, I still did not see him. I did not know what I was going to do with my packet. I kind of liked the t-shirt and did not want to lose it. Thankfully he showed up and thought I would be waiting for him at registration. Bad communication on my part. Not a big deal.

I felt a little weak at the start, but around Mile #1 I felt great and I started passing people. I tried to increase my speed around Mile #2 and carried it through to the end. The course was all flat except for one little hill. I was really excited to see the clock was around 24:14 when I finished because I knew I broke my PR! I was thrilled. Rob thought I did not place because he saw a lot other women finish first. So I didn't even go to the awards and I wasn't sure where they were anyway. I went on line and realized I placed second in my age group. Last year I did not even come close to placing. The weather was lousy, my feet were numb half the race, and I had Kara nine months body was still recovering. I do have a ribbon and gift card to pick up Salem Chamber of Commerce.

Racing is becoming more fun now and less intimidating. I don't get overly nervous anymore. I don't feel as intimidated by the other runners.

I am not going to put pressure on myself to run a lot next week as my body might still be recovering from strep. The antibiotics are giving me nausea off and's at its worst at night. Tricia is also coming from Michigan and I have not seen her in three years!! I have not spent any quality time with her since we moved to Oregon.

Sunday - Took a rest. Rob and I got to celebrate our anniversary after PM church. It was nice to have a Sunday afternoon to watch movies and relax.

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