Monday, October 25, 2010

Week #13

Monday - Rest

Decided to rest after the long run yesterday and falling. I do have a little bit of pain below the knee off to the right side which is where I fell. It hurts a little when I walk, but goes in and out. I am going to try and run tomorrow and see how it feels. Praying to stay injury free for five more weeks!

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles

Rob is off all week so I ran in the afternoon. I ran up and down Boone and the Barnes/Reed loop. Was a nice change of pace from my regular five mile loop. Maybe I am apprehensive of running on Sunnyside again since I fell. Physically I felt fine. No pain or soreness anywhere. I feel like I need to do some stretching because I feel tight in places. I hope I can get to Power at some point this week or for sure early next week. The weather started out fine, but then I hit a downpour again around Mile #3. I was absolutely drenched and cold by the time I got home. I had to go right to the shower. I am not used to running in the rain!

Wednesday - Ran 5 miles

Avoided the rain today! Nice. Did a three mile loop and then a two mile loop with a stop at home for the bathroom and water in between. Was a nice run and I felt really good.

Thursday - Ran 5 miles

Stopped by Winter's house tonight to pick up a biking shirt. Always inspired when I talk to Winter and Dawn. They are appreciative of those of us who are creating prostate cancer awareness and are they are doing some great things. The kids are energetic and full of life.

I ran 5 miles on the treadmill at the Courthouse. I still haven't bought headphones but was able to watch a show on HGTV by reading the closed captioning. My average pace was around 9.30 and I finished in less than 50 minutes so I was happy with my run. I haven't run in the evening or on the treadmill in a very long time so it was a nice change of pace. Still kind of thinking what I want my winter/spring fitness goals to be. Not sure if I want to take on a duathlon this early. I can to go Group Ride twice a week and Cheryl said I could borrow her road bike. I am going to think more about that. Have to get through this marathon first!

Friday - Rest

Needed to rest after three days of running.

Saturday - Ran 19 miles

I was not overly nervous about running this long. I am to the point where I can mentally break the run into sections. The longs runs don't seem as intimidating anymore. Running in the afternoon helps. I don't have to get up early and tackle it first thing. The weather was better. Around 55 degrees. I ran the whole time in a t-shirt and shorts and was comfortable. Saw lots of runner and some were in long sleeves and pants, but I doubt they were running as long as I was. No big downpours. Just misty in the air and slight drizzle, but not uncomfortable to run in. I think I figured out why I fell on Sunday. The sidewalk is broken up in that part and I think I tripped on the uneven surface. I ran on the street at that part just to avoid the same thing happening.

I did my 8 1/2 mile loop, then stopped at home very briefly to fill up my water bottle, go to the bathroom, and ate some pretzels. I did the same loop again. I stopped at home again, went to the bathroom, and ate some crackers, drank some water. I then finished with 2 miles around the neighborhood. I took gu around Mile #5 and Mile #10 and then my second stop at the house (Mile #17). I drank water at the stoplights. I walked very little besides the stops: two or three two minute walks. It was good. I felt quite strong. I really felt like if I had to run the marathon today, I could have done it. The last 20 mile run and the taper are going to help me run even stronger on December 5th.

Sunday - Rest

It is Saturday night as I am writing this, but I am not planning on any exercise tomorrow...possibly a short walk around the neighborhood to take the kids trick or treating. But that is about it.

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