Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week #12

Monday - Walking

No real official workout today. I did walk around the Phoenix Zoo. I played with the kids in the pool for two hours so I was active.

Tuesday - Ran approximately 5 miles in Phoenix

I mapped a route and lost track of the streets very early on. Glenn offered to run with me and I should have taken him up on it. I didn't want to hold him back because I still had to feed Kara. Rob was not up yet to take her. I ran on my own and aside from not knowing the area at all, I felt great! Felt stronger than ever. A break sure helps and makes a difference. New scenery was good too.

Wednesday - Rest

Did not get up to run because I was afraid I would not be ready in time to go to the Grand Canyon. Did not want to hold everyone up. Plus my heel was hurting from yesterday. I brought my crummy running shoes along.

Thursday - Hiking

We did a pretty intense hike in the Grand Canyon and I had Kara on my back the whole time. I don't know how far we officially went--maybe a mile and a half? It was more intense than I thought it would be and the altitude made it hard to breathe. I had a great time and it was fun doing it with family.

Friday - Rest

Big travel day. Drove from Grand Canyon to Phoenix. Then flew from Phoenix to Portland. Drove from Portland to Salem. Back home at 12:30 AM. Long day!

Saturday - Rest

The kids slept on and off all day. They were exhuasted from the trip. Rob was at a karate tournament all day. So getting out to exercise was next to impossible.

Sunday - Ran 13 miles

Ugh! I am not ready for this rain. I miss my nice beautiful fall long runs in the sunshine. The ten forecast is rain, rain, rain. I don't know why I even look at it. We're in this for the long haul. Anyway because the drinking fountains are off and the weather is crummy, I opted for doing laps. That way if I drenched and need to change socks or clothes, I can. I wanted to try and see if I like running without a water bottle and just stopping at home every 5-6 miles. I ran my 5 mile route twice and my three mile route once. I don't like it as much, but considering the weather and no water situation...it is not so bad. I liked being able to use my own bathroom verus the ones in the parks or gas stations.

I was stuck in a downpour from Mile 5 - around 8. I was absolutely drenched, but pretty proud of the fact my shirt dried quickly. I was not all that cold until I was finished. The bad part was I lost my footing around Mile #6 and fell to the ground. This is the second time in my life I have done this (the first was in fall of 2000 just after I took up running for the first time). I don't know what happened. All the sudden I was falling and the first thing that went through my mind was, "Don't get injured! Don't get injured!" I fell on Sunnyside just after Idylwood where the sidewalk is not great and it was slippery from the rain. Thankfully I threw my hands out in time and they hit the ground the first and broke my fall. They are throbbing right now and I just took Tylenol. I hit the side of my right knee. I think this was sore anyway from the downhill hiking. I can't tell. The fact I was able to keep running and not in much pain convinces me I am OK. I am going to ice it if it starts hurting. Kind of a crazy run!!

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