Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Week #5

I knew the energy from last week was not going to last. It is Tuesday as I am writing this. This is how I am feeling: tired, fatigue, headache, unmotivated, irritatable, and pessimistic. I don't know why I am tired since I have been going to bed by 10 PM (and some nights even earlier!) and our schedule has been lighter. I really want to get out of this. I honestly feel like I could sleep for a few hours. When I put Derek down for his afternoon nap, it was tempting to crawl into his warm, cuddly bed with him.

Sunday - Rest

Technically I did a little bit of cross training as we hiked the South Falls at the church picnic. I had Kara on my back. It was not a grueling workout, and it was nice to get some hiking in.

Monday - Rest

I wanted to get up, but I could not. Major fatigue. Had high hopes of running later in the day, but it did not work out schedule wise. I could not go to the gym in the evening because I had to finish my article for the Banner. I was not too excited about running on the treadmill anyway.

Tuesday - Ran 3 Miles

Woke up unmotivated and fatigued again. Once I got running, I felt wonderful. I did my regular three mile run to Ewald. It felt great. Except most of the run I remembered I was supposed to go to the Dollar Tree last night and pick up baskets for VBS follow-up. I already put this off enough and Margie was coming over to assemble the baskets at 10 AM. I spent most of the run figuring out how I was going to get everyone ready, still get Kara down for a morning nap, take a shower, and get to Dollar Tree. The task seems much bigger than it actually is. We got everything done with a lot of time to spare. I feel like I cannot keep up with everything this week and this schedule or the laundry is going to eat me alive. Rob and I have had invites for Labor Day weekend and honestly we feel like being hermits and staying home. I know I can run six miles tomorrow with no problems. It is just the task of getting up and getting out the door that overwhelms me.

Wednesday - Ran 6 Miles

Bleck. What is up with this week!? I got out of bed at 6:30 AM. Barely. Sinus headache. Dehydrated. I did a new route which was a shorter version of my 11 mile route from Friday. The first few miles it was a "spitty rain." I am not ready for the rain yet. It is way too early for it. Can it please hold off for awhile!? The air is still warm so I did not feel too uncomfortable. There was a strong head wind. I really felt like turning around after Mile #1 and crawling back into bed. I felt like I could have slept another hour or two. By Mile #3 I felt a little bit better. I hate running on Kuebler. That was the most miserable part. But the back roads on Boone and Barnes and Stroh were nice. I only stopped at the lights to refuel. I was going to stop and walk a couple times, but I really just wanted to be done. Derek had already been in time out by the time I got home. The kids are "really off" from the weather change and most of us have mild colds. I am not ready for this. What happened to our beautiful Oregon autumn? We're supposed to be have a beautiful Labor Day weekend and I am holding the weather people accountable for this one.

Thursday - Group Ride

Ok...better morning. Perhaps a better day? Alarm went off at 4:50 AM and I was ready to go. I did not have as much desire to go back to sleep. The gym I work out at is now offering a morning biking class for regular cyclists or beginners. The other class they offer which is now bumped to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday is more for bike racers and triathletes. Today was the first day. It was similar to the past couple group ride classes I have gone to. I was excited that Jen was subbing because I really like her. For some reason over half the class were employees. They were all going out for breakfast afterwards and I almost wished I could have gone with. :) The workout was really good. I am still learning how to do all the gears and what not. But it is great cross training. Got home by 6:20 and got a bunch of reading done for my Small Animal Nursing class before Kara woke up. So nice to be ahead of the game today. I really need that after a rough start to the week.

Friday - Rest

Today kind of stunk. I was ready to get up and run. I got stomach problems again. I felt them coming on last night so I was not overly surprised. Something I must have eaten again. Not nearly as bad as two weeks ago, but I did not want to try and run 12 miles with it. If it were a shorter run, I would have gone. I could not make Group Power. I was going to try go to the 5 PM class, but today was the day we planned on doing VBS follow-up. Margie and I did get back until close to 5. The kids drove me absolutely nuts today and I enjoyed the long afternoon break from them. I could tell they were driving Rob crazy too when I got home. I love them to pieces, but they have been having an "off" week too. I was not at my best today. I can fully admit to that. It has been a really challenging week for me. I do not know if it is the changing of the seasons or hormones or what. I really miss the motivation I had the last two weeks. Rob has been tired all week long. Derek has been a wreck the two days he skipped his naps. Kara has been fighting naps too. Hailey seems to be doing the best around here. Maybe she can spread it to the rest of us tomorrow.

Saturday - 12 miles

Bad week. Good day. Great run. I started around 12:45 PM and got home closer to 3:00 PM. I was going to go in the morning, but Kara got up at 6:30 AM. Since we did not have anything in the afternoon and the weather is absolutely perfect (low 70's) I went in the afternoon. I did a similar route to last week, but I added a mile of course. I love the Battlecreek neighborhood. I had three people cheer me on! I stopped at my gym which is probably about Mile #6 or #7 to fill up my water bottle. I took three short walking breaks probably 1 -2 minutes and they were in the last half of the run. I am learning the art of walking before you are totally exhausted and getting the run/walk rhytmn down.

Sunday - 3 miles

The nice sunny days are such a huge motivation to go out and run. The weather was absolutely perfect again! Aside from being a little sore from yesterday, the run went great. I figured out that Hrubetz to Lone Oak to Holder to Liberty and back to Hrubetz is a three mile sqaure. The hills are not too bad. This next week is a kick back week so my long run is shorter. Because of the conference Rob is going to, I am not going to be able to go to Group Power or Group Ride. I should be able to run four times though between now and next Sunday. Hailey also starts school this week so that will shake up the schedule too. After next week, my mileage increases significantly--3 mile runs become 4, 6 mile runs become 7, and my long will be at 14. But I think I am ready for it. I am glad though I get a kick back week especially since Rob is going to be gone a good part of it.

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