Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week #3

Monday - Ran 3 miles

I ran later than usual around 7:15 PM. Rob was OK with it and told me to go ahead. I did my normal three mile route to Ewald. Aside from feeling sore from yesterday's run, it was fine. It was the last spell of the heat wave and I could already tell we were going to hit 90. The air was cooler and perfect, but as I got home I was starting to feel warm and sweaty.

Tuesday - Rest

I decided to take the day off from running. I was pretty sore from from the last two days. We got home from Noordams around 10 PM Monday night. After being in the pool and sun all afternoon and evening, we were worn out. It was hard for both Rob and I to get up. The kids had no problem getting up at 7 AM even though they went to bed two hours past their bedtime. Isn't that the way it goes?

Wednesday - Ran 5 miles

Again it was hard to get up because I got home from Faber's at 10:15 PM last night. My schedule is not usually like this. I love the extra time with friends this week, but it is pretty tough to get up in the morning. Derek was up around 6:30 AM. Made him stay in his room for another fifteen minutes. Hailey was also up at 6:45 AM. I felt really guility for leaving Rob with two crabby, fighting kids. I told them we were not going to start the day fighting. They started the day having a fight five minutes after they woke up. How nice. Rob said it was OK if I ran five miles. So I did my regular five mile route, but I did it in reverse. I started going towards Woodmansee Park to Sumpter to Liberty and back home. I saw that cool jet black rabbit in Woodmansee Park. I wonder if it's someone's pet? It doesn't look wild. I also saw someone brushing their teeth on the way to the bus stop. Hmmmm.....interesting.

Anyway the run felt really really good. I felt like my pace was faster. But I don't think it was. It took me the same amount of time. I felt a little dehydrated. I should have stopped at Sumpter Park to get a drink, but I really wanted to keep going.

When I got home, Hailey was having another meltdown about finishing her breakfast. Kara was up and crying. We think she is teething because she has been really clingy and crabby the last two days. It is in and out and she does not appear sick...just irritable. Thanks Rob for letting me go running. I know it was not a pleasant way to start your day. I am glad you have a quiet office to go to and don't have to deal with the chaos for the rest of your day. No actually they calmed down and did better later on.

Thursday - Rest

I did not want to get up and go running because I was gone another night with the middle schoolers. I got back around 9:45 PM, but was really tired. There was no other time to run during the day. Rob had visits and meetings. I thought about going to the gym at 9 PM when he got back. I was still researching this court case I am covering for the Banner. I really wanted to get that finished. Oh well...some days will be like that.

Friday - Group Power

Went to 9 AM Group Power and they are still doing Summer Launch. I woke up feeling very fatigued, dehydrated, and even a little dizzy. I almost thought about staying home. I knew I was not getting sick because my appetite was normal. Once I got there and set up, I felt better. I was able to keep all the same weights from last week except I went a little less on the second back and legs track. It was a good workout and I was glad I went. I am ready to not have so much in the evenings.

Saturday - Ran 3 Miles

My legs were so incredibly sore this morning and I know it was from all those squats at Power yesterday. I really pushed myself on them and increased my weight. I was squatting down this morning to pick something up for Derek and I felt the soreness. I really wanted to go running because it usually helps. Getting the muscles going again feels more comfortable.

I have been mapping out some new routes for variety. Since it has been comfortable out again, I can run in the afternoon on the weekend. I took the short way to Sumpter Park and ran through that neighborhood encircling the park and then back to Lone Oak to home. I felt sore and fatigued until about halfway and then I felt better again. It is a nice route with two little uphills that are manageable.

It's a kick back week which means my long run tomorrow is shorter. I am hoping to get it done again before church.

Sunday - Rest

Bleck. I hate missing workouts. Planned on running in the morning. Even woke up with the alarm and was planning on going. I felt gastroenteritis coming on last night. I woke up with it this morning. It was pretty mild compared to the previous times I had it. I think it was due to some fatty food I ate last night. My body cannot handle this kind of food. I did not realize I ate it until it was too late. I was preoccupied with Kara and Derek. I knew it was mild enough that I could probably run in the afternoon. At church I felt dizzy, dehydrated, and my stomach still hurt. My legs are still killing me from the squats. I almost took Tylenol this morning. I feel really irritable and crabby. I think it is from all the above. Lately on the weekends we have been able to sleep until around 7:30 AM or 8:00 AM. Kara and Derek have been getting up before 7 again. I really need to get back on my early morning routine and hit it hard this week. We have things going in the evening this week, but we won't be out past 9. So I don't anticipate not being able to get up in the morning.

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