Monday, August 9, 2010

Week #2

A little crazy yet also refreshing to be back at Week #2

Monday - Group Power and Ran 3 Miles

It's Summer Launch so everything at Power and every workout in every class is new. New songs too. I love Summer Launch! I remember with Spring Launch, I did not like the new workouts especially the abs/core track. This time around it's nice to have a change. The music is very 80's and 90's which is more up my alley...I didn't get into the songs as much this time around. I slept so good--straight from around 10:30 PM until the alarm went off at 4:48 AM. No kids got me up and no insomina related stuff. So I knew I could get there and be awake enough. I did not struggle on any tracks which probably means I need to increase my weights. The thing with increased weight means though I don't enjoy it as much. I enjoy it when I can do it and feel good--not when I am dying afterwards. I do know I need to push myself and not settle for "easy."

After Power I ran three miles. I don't like the treadmill at all. I like it even less since I have no iPod or headphones to hear the TVs. I washed and dried my headphones and still haven't bothered to replace them. I thought about running in the neighborhood around the gym (and I always run in this neighborhood on my long runs), but decided I would rather run in my own neighborhood. So I drove home and then did my regular three mile route to Ewald and back through Liberty. It is more difficult running after Power. I feel more fatigued and my left thigh was sore from the squats and lunges. I got through it and and did not have to walk at all.

Felt good to be back in the groove again. Hope I can keep the motivation up for awhile. I really need this time in the morning to workout.

Tuesday - Ran 5 Miles

I got up around 6:30 AM and then ran to Sumpter Park and back. It was a good run. Felt a little sore at first from working out so hard at Power the day before. Otherwise, it went well. Did not really have to walk at all, but stopped at both drinking fountains (Sumpter and Woodmansee). I am finding the extra hydration makes a huge difference--did not drink nearly as much when I used to run.

Wednesday - Group Power

Yay! The first time in I don't know how long I went to Group Power twice in one week...especially in the early morning hours. I almost decided to sleep. Then I remembered how much I loved Summer Launch and it was the perfect way to start my day. Plus I am seeing a huge difference. I increased my weight on everything except biceps. Although it was tough at times, I could complete the workouts and feel good. I had some knee pain in the warm up which concerned me a little bit. It went away, but I still have to watch that. I might have to ice my knee later today if I feel the pain again. I am just so pumped I am motivated again and out of the slump for awhile.

Thursday - Ran 3 Miles

I was going to do my three at 6:45 AM, but Derek was up already at 6:40 AM. His sleep has been better overall. It's still a frustration at times! He sleeps through the night, but the whole going to bed process has its bad moments. Right now he is going on a twenty five minutes crying rage because he will not take his nap. This is the first time in months he's done this one. He is the kind of kid who wakes up earlier when he goes to bed later...and everything gets thrown off. He gets more hyper and out of control when he's sleep deprived. It's a vicious cycle. He will probably always be this way. In many ways I am like this too. I had bad insomnia throughout my childhood starting around second grade and ending around sixth grade.

But this entry is not about sleep. I think I am just frustrated and need to write about it so I don't go physcho. :) It was an easy enough day that I could run during Rob's lunch. So I ran my old four mile route, but took Boone instead of Kuebler. I wanted to hit the hills on Boone because I hadn't done a good hill workout in a while. The hills seemed smaller and much more manageable than they did a few months ago. The hardest thing was the heat. We're slowly crawling back to the 90's where we have hardly been at all this summer. It was a good run overall.

Friday - Group Ride

It is Launch Week and there a lot of new people visiting the classes so I tried Group Ride today. It is a full hour of cycling on a stationary bike and a lot of people call it "Spin Class." I was happy that Jen was teaching because I got to know her a little bit when I was pregnant with Kara. She was always working when I came in to run/walk on the treadmills. I was told this class is super tough. It is what you want to make of it. You can put it in a tougher gear or keep it low depending on your fitness level. Everyone sweats so much! I was drenched by the end of it. I guess that is why they handed me two towels when I walked in. It was a great cross training workout and I think I would go again. It is easier for me than swimming and I feel like accomplish more. I don't want to totally give up on swimming. I think variety is good and keeps you motivated. I like the "group" aspect of cycling and it comes a little easier than trying to swim laps. The class is offered a lot so I am sure I could go on an evening or Saturday if I can't go Friday mornings.

Now 9 miles tomorrow and it is supposed to be 95 tomorrow. So I need to get an early start!

Saturday - Rest

I decided to take Saturday totally off. We were exhausted Friday night after we left Emily's reception, picked up the kids, put them to bed, and went to bed soon thereafter. I woke at 6 AM and felt fatigued. That is how I felt all day. Some of it was due to the heat (we're in the 90's for only the second this this summer) and we turned on the air conditioning first thing in the morning. Some of it was also due to a busy week. It was the first week I felt like I kept an intentional schedule and managed my time well. And got all my workouts in. That is something to be proud of.

Sunday - 9 miles

I liked doing my long run on Sunday morning. It was a great run. It is nice to be able to repeat these long runs. I am doing so much better with them than a few month ago. I mapped out a route that took me past Sumpter Park, Rees Hill City Park, and Wes Bennet and then taking Kuebler home to Sunnyside past Woodmansee. The route ended on Jones so I could walk a half mile home. That last walk is great and I look forward to it. I stopped for about 15 - 30 seconds every 1 - 1 1/2 mile to rehydrate. I felt extremely dehydrated this morning. I drank 16 oz of Ultima throughout the run. It makes a huge difference. I gave myself permission to walk up the Baxter hill. I ran up the whole thing except the last peak. It is a massive hill! It was so beautiful to see the mountains with fog sitting on them. Oregon is so beautiful! That motivated me a little bit.

On the last mile I was starting to have some shin pain so I need to watch that. Everyone was out running this morning! Probably because it is supposed to be 95 today and the heat lingers until around 8 PM. No one wants to run in that. It felt cool and comfortable this morning. So thankful we don't have humidity in least very, very little of it.

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