Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week #9 which turned into Week #1

I am only posting my actual workouts now. I am following the training guide, but my schedule changes week to week. So I am not always doing the specific workout for that day.

Monday - Ran 3 Miles

I took nine days off running which I did not want to do. In a lot of ways, it was the best decision. So I was ready to go running again once we were home. I did not try to get up at the crack of dawn. I ran during Rob's lunch and went to Woodmansee Park, through it, and then back again. Aside from feeling a little winded and the heat of the day was starting to hit, I felt OK. My body is used to running in the morning when it is not as hot out. It wasn't overwhelmingly hot.

I was hoping to race a couple times this month, but I am realizing I don't want a crazy schedule. I am craving down time and more time to work on home projects. I want to focus on getting my mileage up and going to Group Power. So I might not race at all until September. We'll just see how it goes.

Tuesday - Ran 7 miles

Tough run. Could not get out bed in the morning so postponed the run until the evening. I got out around 7:45 PM and realized how much earlier it is getting dark around here. These evening runs are slowly coming to a close. Especially as it gets lighter earlier and my mileage is increasing. I ran to Browning to Commerical to Mildred back to Liberty. I honestly did not feel good. I had stomach issues throughout the run and felt fatigued. I could not "get in the zone." I was able to run the whole way except I walked for up the last half of a hill on Midred. I have run the road before, but could not remember how huge the hills are. I did not feel ready for them. I felt the best again on the last mile. I really wish my motivation was better and I was enjoying running more. I hope it is just post vacation feelings.

Wednesday - Rest

I had every intention of going to Group Power. For some odd reason Kara woke me up three times in the night. It's been a long time since she's done this (aside from when we were on vacation and she was sleeping in the Pack and Play). She went down again with a pacifier and "Goodnight" music the first two times and third she put herself back to sleep. I did not feel like I slept enough to be able to hit the gym at 5 AM. So I slept until 7:30 AM and thought about trying to run in the evening. We got back from the park event our church puts on at 8:15 PM and it was getting too dark. Kind of frustrated with the marathon training lately. I really want to be back in the schedule like I was three weeks ago.

Thursday - Ran 4 miles

I got out the door at 7 AM. I was a little concerned it was too late and Rob would have to deal with all three kids plus getting ready for work. When I came back at 7:45 AM, none of them were up yet. Derek did not get up until 8:30 AM and Kara not until 9:15 AM. I think they are getting caught up from vacation. I ran to Sumpter Park and back. I finally felt better. I felt strong and like I could tackle the hills. I am feeling more confident about doing 11 miles again this weekend. My heel is not hurting as much. I am trying to train myself to not toe out so far. I studied my shoes and realized I wear out the inside heel on my right foot so far down...like the rubber on my Sauconys is almost completely gone. I was born with two crooked feet, but they only put my left in a cast. I wore a cast for awhile and have baby pictures of myself wearing it with these special shoes that attached to it. My mom said they should have put both feet in a cast. My left leg is straight (and I have no heel problems with it) while I still toe out with my right. If I wanted to spend a lot of money, I could hire a running coach to retrain myself to run correctly. Since I am not competinig for money or titles...just running for fun...I am not real interested in doing that.

Friday - Group Power

So wonderful to be at Group Power. Very energizing. I feel much, much stronger on the leg tracks since I have putting on the miles. I increased my weight even though I had not been to Power in two weeks...and it was fine. I struggled the most on shoulders and triceps and I know it is because I don't work these areas as much. I LOVE Power...need to try to get there more often. The music was upbeat and catchy today. Everyone seemed really into it.

Ok and here is why we jumped back to Week #1. I went to the Portland Marathon website today and saw that registration is closed! I could not beleive it. I checked the website not so long ago and there was no indication of this. When I ran in 2006, I registered for the race in September. I know it was after Labor Day. I remember sending in the check. If I remember right, they were taking a few registrants the day before. Who is all running it now!? Has it really gotten that big? I know it is the most walker friendly marathons and there seem to be a lot of walking clinics that have sprung up over the years. How crazy!! That means I cannot run it! Rob told me not to freak out and we would figure something out. He is really for me running this fall and committed to it. We considered Columbia Gorge, but the problem with this one is it is two days after we're back from vacation. I don't want to spend the week before I run on vacation. It will affect my vacation and Rob didn't think it was the best idea either. Plus Columbia Gorge is a challenging course. Although I do run lots of hills, I think it would be too much. It's only my second marathon. So we decided on California International Marathon in Sacramento!! The Portland to Sacramento flight is cheap. It is December 5th. I will probably go out there by myself on that Saturday morning and come home Sunday night. My parents have dear friends in Ripon who are super hospitable and I might see if they want to meet up for supper or something. I think I will probably enjoy the alone time too. Plus the course looks awesome. I'm really, really excited and hope it works out. I am not posting it to my blog or facebook page until I am registered and it's confirmed. There's been way too many changes already!

It might be a blessing in disguise. I have more time now to work on my long runs and get my mileage up to where it should be. I also can try and get back into Group Power more often and possibly start my swimming again. The last few weeks have been way too inconsistent. We're starting to get back into our normal routine again. Plus Rob mentioned it might be fun to try a totally different marathon in a new place. I agree. I am really extroverted, but I do like taking trips by myself. I worry about getting injured and I also worry about getting sick. I know our flu season doesn't really hit until February, but now that Hailey will be in school...she'll be bringing in all kinds of new germs. I guess I can't get all wrapped up in the "what ifs." I will just do the best I can. This whole Team Winter thing was placed in my lap and I feel like God lead the way. I know He will lead me the rest of the way too. So hopefully it will be Sacramento, here I come!

Saturday - Ran 8 miles

I decided since I will probably do Sacramento at this point...to back track on the training. I missed too many long runs and I am loving the opportunity to repeat them. Of course this means I will still be training in October and November, but I actually don't mind this at all. These months are going to be less crazy and it will be cooler out...which means I can run during the day on Rob's day off.

I did Week #1's long run and I did 8 miles. I did my 9 mile route, but shaved a mile off by going to Idylwood instead of Browning. It was wonderful to finally feel good while I was running. I only really struggled on one uphill, but I did not have to stop and walk. I still love this route! I stopped and drank Ultima at the lights on Commercial and then refilled my water bottle at Woodmansee Park. It was refreshing to be able to complete a run and not feel like I was struggling the whole time.

I could have done the 11 miles this weekend like the training log would have it were still Week #9, but it would have been tough. I am glad for this chance to start over. I just keep bugging Rob I need to register for Sacramento soon as I don't want to run into the same problem!

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