Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 4 - 10

Monday:  Ran 3 miles

I slept really good and felt very awake at 6:30 AM.  I just did a simple three mile run, but it was nice to be out there.  It felt great.

Tuesday:  Track workout:  1 mile warm up, 800, 600, 400 with 400 recovery, 800 cool down

I did the triathlon club workout of the week--I just cut it in half.  I was hoping to get to the track by 6, but it was more like 6:30.  At least I got there. There was another group running.  They were not elite runners--I think it was a walking group because they didn't run very much.  The problem was they didn't follow the track etiquette.  It's my understanding Lane 1 & 2 are for fast runners and the rest for slow runner and walkers. That's the way it is when the tri club practices. They wouldn't move over for me at all.  It wasn't that big of a deal, but I had to maneuver around them all the time and keep changing lanes.

Wednesday:  Centergy

I was able to go to day centergy because Rob is off this week.  My friend Karen was there too because she's on a 21 day membership.  It felt so incredibly good to stretch.  The ab workout was good too.  The room just feels so hot to me.  I sweat almost as much as in Power and it's not as intense of a workout.

Thursday:  Power

Alarm went off and I was going to back to sleep.  I was awake and knew it would be awhile before I'd fall back asleep if I ever did.  So I made it to Power and it was great to be there.  I pushed myself and kept my weight around the same it was when I went two weeks ago.

Friday:  Swam half hour

I did a plan off swim plan.  It was so much lighter than the last one.  I almost needed more of a workout.  I'm sore from Power and tired today so I didn't push myself too hard.  I also worked on breaststroke a little bit.  I had been informally practicing in the pool when we take kids swimming.

Saturday - Rest

 Sunday - 3.9 mile hike

We were in Suttle Lake and the kids wanted to do the hike around the lake.  It's relatively flat--just a few ups and downs.  We said we'd go one quarter of it and decide to either turn back thus doing half or keep going and complete it.  The kids were doing really well.  Kara actually hiked the best and complained very little "when she could be the leader" and set the pace.  I was wearing my Nikes, but for some reason my left little toe hurt almost like it was blistering.  It hurt and was forced me to go slow at the end.  Still a great hike though.  I love Suttle Lake!

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