Monday, September 23, 2013

September 24 - 30

Monday - Rest

I was still fatigued last night and very sore so I decided to rest again today.  Will pick it back up tomorrow rain (which is in the forecast) or shine.

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles

I ran my regular 3 mile route in the pouring rain.  Not liking this September weather wise at all.  But we were so spoiled last fall with zero rain the month of September and most of October so I knew we couldn't luck out two years in a row.  Supposed to be nice Thursday & Friday and we are taking advantage of that.

This blog is also very helpful for me in tracking my moods.  I actually have gone back through and read previous posts before I went on Welbutrin and took Vitamin D supplements.  I see my moods have stabilized significantly.

I am still an overly emotional person and my highs are high and my lows low, but it's more under control.  However, last night at 10 PM I felt overly exhausted.  I didn't want to swim in the morning.  I mean I wanted to...I knew I would feel better if I did.  The thought of getting up so early and swimming for a whole seemed overwhelming.  This turned into a "I'm doing too much" conversation and "I need to scale back."  I absolutely hate that conversation.  Because running, swimming, biking is me.  It's what I do.  It drives me.  It boosts mood.  It brings adult conversation.  Some people craft.  Others shop. I exercise. The idea of scaling back frankly ticks me off.  I am too sensitive to it.  I act a little OCD with exercise.  Like I get overly frustrated with myself when I don't work out in the morning and miss days on end.  I can't always accept it.

The truth is mornings are it.  On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have to be up, showered, dressed, hair done, family room clean, kitchen somewhat clean by 7:15 AM.  Tuesdays & Thursdays are a little more flexible. I can workout until 7:30 AM and can shower anytime before 11 AM.  I can't work out over Rob's lunch anymore any days.  I can't go to the gym in the evenings on Mondays or Tuesdays (I have a discount membership that doesn't allow me to use the club those days and I pay significantly less--otherwise not sure we could even afford it).  Every other Wednesday night I have middle school youth group.  My co-leader is just as busy as I am--full time teacher and practically full time grad student and now serving on Council...I can't really ask him to do more than what he's doing.  Thursday nights I have Bible Study.  Fridays nights vary.  Since mid August one of us or both of us or all of us have plans with the exception of last weekend.   Lately our Saturdays have been busy.  I can't remember the last time I went to the gym on a Saturday morning...hasn't been since at least August.  I knew September would stink schedule wise so I was somewhat prepared for it.  Even though I am a little less conservative in my Sunday observance, I don't go to the gym on Sundays.  I know many who do, but I don't.  Honestly it's not a good habit for me as Rob is often very tired and needs downtime Sunday afternoons.  I really don't like having him to juggle everything.  I have run a couple Sunday mornings before church and I like that.  So what this all means is that it mostly has to be mornings.  I am more tired at night because I am watching kids all day and loving it...but working very hard.

This whole thing has been an adjustment for me and figuring things out.  Saturdays take on a whole meaning because I don't work and I have caught up on cleaning on the weekends.  I get extra time with my own kids.  I hate not being able to exercise as often as I want.  I don't know if I need to scale back to four times a week and call it good or try to push myself in the mornings.  I did drop a couple things this fall (morning Bible Study, MOPS leadership, Book Club) to make room for work secretly hoping I didn't have to cut exercise.

It might not mean cutting exercise.  It might mean getting creative with the schedule.  I can run the days I don't teach co-op preschool. That's every other Tuesday morning and I get a little over two hours to myself.  Last year I sat in Starbucks and read a book.  I can workout every other Wednesday evening and even after Bible Study on Thursdays.  So I am going to play around with the schedule and see how this is all going to pan out.

Wednesday - Swam 45 minutes

I went to the pool at night and it was actually refreshing to swim at night versus the early morning.  Due to swim team practices I couldn't get in the pool until 8 PM.  I did the warm up I usually do with the triathletes and then did some drills and some 100's.  I even practiced flip turns and was able to do a few sloppy ones.  It was great to get in the pool.

Thursday - Rest

Very busy day.  Couldn't get exercise in.

Friday - Rest

Even busier than Thursday!  Thought about going to the gym after Hailey's birthday party, but I was spent by 8:30 PM and opted to stay home.

Saturday - Stationary Bike - 40 minutes

I did the interval track.  I wanted to run outside.  We have had one of the most rainiest Septembers on record.  It has been windy too and we've almost broken records for wettest September. It's so much like December/January weather. It is a tad bit depressing.  The last two weekends we've been stuck inside.  It's hard to believe at this time last year we were camping at the coast in the beautiful sunny warm weather.  It is supposed to stay like this until later next week.  I opted for the gym this morning versus braving the wind and rain.

Sunday - Ran 5 miles on treadmill

I don't normally go to the gym on Sundays and I try not to make a habit of it.  We're having pouring non-stop rain, high winds, trees falling over, and flooding.  OK that's a little exaggerated...but it is bad.  They almost cancelled church tonight.  We're breaking records for September rainfall.  When we were in Woodburn last night for pizza, the driveway was flooding.  So I ran inside.  As much as I don't like the treadmill, it was OK.  I did an average of 9 1/2 minute miles.

I decided I want to focus on running and try to get in 2-3 good runs a week and then try to swim, bike, and do Power at least once a week (but it could be two of those once a week).  It really depends on the week.  This week is more manageable than last week but we're at the coast all next weekend.

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