Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 9 - 15

Monday - Ran 3 miles

I was going to start going to the triathlon track workouts on Monday mornings since the little boy I watch gets dropped off at 7:15 AM.  I really need to have exercised and showered by then and I could easily do that with the early morning track runs.  Plus it's really dark in the mornings...like still dark at 6:30 AM.  It's much safer to run around the track with strong fast buff triathletes than by myself in our neighborhood with the scary homeless people in the park and who knows what else.  Really our neighborhood is pretty safe and there are runners and bikers everywhere and even high schoolers walking to school at 6:30 for early morning band practice and people getting on the city busses for work--but I feel less safe when it's dark.  I chickened out.  I made every excuse why I didn't want to go and bought into all of them.  :(  Going to try again next week.

My run was harder than Sunday for some reason.  My legs just feel tight and crampy again and for some reason my right shoulder (which is not my bad shoulder) is aching.  I think that might be from carrying the little guy I watch because I have not carried toddlers in awhile.  I don't ever carry Kara anymore except sometimes during church so she can see during the singing.

I did run again with all three kids at Riverfront Park.  We probably ran about 1 mile and a half again and I didn't have Kara in her car so I pretty much had to walk with her the whole time.  Hailey did great again.  We were a little pressed for time so I think we're going to try get out earlier next time.  The kids want to run the paths again on Wednesday, but I will probably take Kara's car and Derek's bike.

Tuesday - Rest

Ok so this week is not starting out like I hoped.  Had a really busy night last night and didn't fall asleep until after midnight and slept terrible.  It has been so hot at night--not used to high 60 - 70 degree temps for sleeping.  The house absorbs the heat all day so it's so hot at night.  I was sweating as I working on my article last night at the computer and the temp in the house read 80.  I really just don't feel like we need the air conditioning on...I hate A/C air and would rather have natural air.  There is no other time today I can run and my bike still needs to be fixed.  Feeling a little frustrated but I'll live.

Wednesday - Rest

Yesterday was a tough day.  Derek & Kara were both really struggling and could not get along and it kept getting ugly and emotional.  I was able to keep it together, but my anxiety level starting rising mid afternoon.  By evening I took the kids to swimming and I felt a lot better.  I had to go to a fellowship thing and I was the first to leave which is unheard of.  I am usually the last.  But I was tired...and just overwhelmed and wanted to be home.  I decided to not try and swim today.  My swimming partners were not going to be there anyway.  Needless to say, today was like ten times better and Derek & Kara only had one squabble.  Everything just went so much smoother regardless and I don't have much anxiety anymore either.  It's going to be a lighter week exercise wise.  Rob is gone all weekend doing a wedding anyway.  Just the way it goes.

Thursday - Group Power

It's Monday as I am writing this.  I did go to Power and it was great.  Can't remember any significant details.

Friday - Sunday

Rob was in Lynden all weekend doing a wedding and it was nearly impossible for me to get away and work out.

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