Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16 - 23

Monday - Track Workout - about 9 miles total

I finally went back to the track workouts!  Some of the people remembered me.  A little embarrassing I have not been there since May.  There were only about five of us and two left early. No other females.  I did almost the whole workout minus a mile.  It was really good.  I didn't try to keep up with the others.  I just did my own paces. I liked that better than trying to keep up with them and starting the next phase of the workout when they do.  It was nice to be outside in the morning and see the sun rise.  So glad I went!

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles

I got a late start and didn't get out until 6:45.  It was a good run except I was sore from the track workout.

Wednesday - Swam 55 minutes

The pool was a ghost town.  None of the triathletes were there.  At first I was a little relieved because I could do my own workout and swim at my own pace.  Then I realized how I get bored with swimming when I am alone and I missed the interaction with the others I swim with.  I keep a workout in my swim bag in case I am alone.  So I followed it pretty closely today.  It was a good workout and I really focused on my form.  I did 25 yard intervals as well and worked on speed.

Thursday - Rest

Didn't work out today.  Not the greatest day.  :(  Kids and child care kids were great.  A little stressed about youth group and feeling a bit overwhelmed.  This too shall pass.

Friday - Group Power

I could not get up early to the gym.  I didn't fall asleep until after midnight hence why yesterday was a bad day.  I had a great day with the kids and the child care kids.  I was able to go to 5 PM Power after the last child was picked up.  It was a whole different world from 5:15 AM Group Power.  She worked us HARD and I can feel it already in my shoulders and core.  I really needed it and was glad to push myself.  Weather is supposed to be awful this weekend.  Hailey & I were supposed to run a 5K tomorrow for the free clinic our church supports.  I will be running solo because I don't want Hailey to run in the pouring rain.  Neither does she.  She's not used to it and I don't want it to mess with her body temperature. again.

Saturday - Run for Hope & Health 5K Time 25:20 (?) Placed 2nd in my age category, 3rd overall womens, 14th overall

The weather looked nice this morning and I questioned whether Hailey could run it.  I decided not chance it.  It actually stayed nice until the 10kers took us.  Then it literally poured and I was dripping.  She would have been miserable.  A little kid next to me was shivering.  We took us about 15 minutes after the 10kers.  I got a really good start.  I was near the front of the pack.  Then my stupid shoelace came undone--I love my shoes...hate the shoelaces.  I had to stop and retie it the first half mile which took much longer than I hoped.  I took us and passed a bunch of people, but it think I might have PRed had I not had to stop.  :(  I pushed myself really hard.  These ladies were trying to gain on me after I passed them and I just moving and got away from them.  I was pretty strong at the end.  I crossed the finish line and I had to duck behind a tree and throw up a little bit.  Never in all my years running has this ever happened!  I ate a Cliff bar this morning and I just don't think my body was used to it.  I ate one while climbing Mount Saint Helens and that's the only other time.  Once I walked around and ate something I totally felt fine.  I was not going to stick around for the raffle because my chances of winning were slim, but I was excited I won 3rd overall women.  The race was at Minto Brown and I loved racing there!  Racing along the river and along the paths was so nice. The rain died down halfway through the race.

I did register for the Detroit Mud Run so I am excited to do another race in a couple months.  This is not timed and it's a 10K and it's really muddy.  It's put on by Run Wild who do all the trail runs in the area.  I am going to do it with Karen and her friend.

I would love to do Turkey Trot with Hailey in November, but a lot depends on the weather.

Sunday - Rest!

I was going to do a bike ride in the afternoon, but only if the weather cooperated.  The weather has been absolutely horrible...blustery rain.  Normally September is beautiful here, but it's been ugly and feels more like January.

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