Tuesday, January 8, 2013

15K & Sprint Tri Training Week #1

I came down with a cold around December 17th which was pretty nasty.  I found that when I exercise anyway through a cold, it takes longer to heal.  I end up feeling more exhausted.  So I took that week off.  I had planned on starting up again on Christmas Even which didn't make any sense the more I thought about it.  We were going to be at the coast three days plus we had holiday parties.  So I planned to start again on New Years Day.  However, New Years Day I woke up with a splitting head ache.  My head was pounding and I could not get relief.  I had no alcohol on New Years Eve.  But before I went to bed I was so thirsty like I was downing glasses of cranberry juice.  I thought I was just dehydrated.  Then I was pretty sure it was a sinus infection. I felt relief being in a steamy room with the shower running. Rob went to the New Years Day Party with the kids while I stayed home.  I had some relief sitting on a recliner (versus laying down) and sitting in sunlight (which ruled out a migraine).  I called the on call doctor and he said to try Muccinex and Sudafed PE before going in.  I did and found some relief a couple hours later.

The only problem with Muccinex is one of the side effects is that it can make you jittery.  I felt fine the next day, but felt like I was on the verge of panic all day.  I felt so shaky.  I didn't realize I was tensing the muscles in my neck and upper back.  Once I didn't need to take it (like around Friday) I was hit with two ongoing stressful situations which I am handling fine with little anxiety.  No mind racing, out of control emotions, not being able to function, distracted, not being able to do day to day activities--none of that. But the stress of the situations is causing me to tense my muscles more.  I was in such back and neck pain on Saturday & Sunday.  I had Rob push on the pressure points in my shoulders and back...it hurt like crazy for a few moments.  I could begin to move my head, neck, and back again.  By Monday it felt significantly better.

So it's a new year...new week...new training plan.  I've never done this much cross training alongside running, but I am pretty excited about the variety.  I have new running shoes, new songs on the iPod, new water bottle, new bathing suit.  Fresh start.

My neck and shoulder is not completely back to normal yet, but it significantly better than it was Sunday.  This lingering cold was nasty.  I am not coughing anymore, but still have a little bit of ear pressure.

Monday - Ran 2 Miles

It really didn't feel good to run at all.  I only took three weeks off, but it felt like so much more.  I really had to push myself and walked about 30 seconds halfway through.  I felt exhausted.  But not too discouraged because it only gets better from here.  I ran the normal 2 mile route and got out the door by 6:40.

Tuesday - Ran 4 miles

Today was better.  Still felt weak and exhausted.  I walked 30 seconds again halfway through mostly to be able to drink more water.  I actually felt better the last half versus the first half.  I ran to the Sumpter neighborhood.  The music helped.  I have been listening to some worship songs that helped me with some of the stuff I was/am dealing with.  Normally I listen to a lot of classic rock, 80's, and some mainstream hits.  It's hard to explain but sometimes running is a spiritual experience for me.  I managed to get out the door by 6:30.  I really wanted to sleep, but I forced myself to get up.  Thankfully I am not feeling as overwhelmed in the mornings.

Wednesday - Swam 15 minutes, Stationary Bike 17 minutes

So nice to be back in the pool again.  We had a huge massive rain storm around 6 AM and thankfully I didn't have to run outside today.  It would be miserable to run in it.  Felt sorry for the three runners and one biker I passed driving to the gym.  Swimming went fine.  I can tell I have not been in the pool for several weeks because my endurance is not what it was.  I also am finding I want to scissor kick when I get tired and I have to force myself not to. I feel like I am a slow swimmer, but I don't have much to compare it too.  I still really enjoy it now that I know what I'm doing.

I did the stationary bike and did the interval track instead of the rolling hill track.  I liked doing intervals so much more.

Thursday - Rest

I decided to sleep in.  Not happy with myself.  Planned on going to Group Power.  But oh well--not going to beat myself up over it.

Friday - Group Ride & Swam 15 minutes

I went to Mr. Flunker's Group Ride class.  Felt barely awake when it started, but once I got going I felt OK.  I try and push myself hard, but my natural inclination is to keep the gears low so I don't have to work as hard.  I am getting more used to the class though and am going to try and go once a week.  He does teach it pretty well.  Swimming went well.  At one point I was the only one in the pool.  The gym is SO dead Friday mornings.

Saturday - Swam 20 minutes

Very busy day yesterday.  For me it was the gym, running to Michael's, going to Jana's house, helping Rob set up up for the Council Party, straightening up the house, picking up Hailey from school, more straightening up the house, the actual party.  People stayed close to 11.  Which was really fun, but we've never had it go that late. I wanted to go to Power in the morning since I missed Thursday, but didn't want to overdue it.  I had another head ache in the morning--not nearly as bad as last week.  It still hurt and I thought I was going to take more Sudafed.  Hailey had her first basketball game later in the morning.  After the game, I went out with friends for coffee and then hit the gym afterwards.  I only did swimming today which was nice to just focus on that.  I broke my goggles and tried to use Derek's.  That was a pain because water constantly gets in them.  I need to buy some this next week.  I am really loving swimming--it's crazy because I love almost as much as running.  I love it that you don't have to mess with crummy weather.

Sunday - Ran 6 miles

So cold outside.  Didn't realize we were below 30 until I saw the sign at Commercial & Kuebler.  It said 28. Make sense because there is still frost everywhere and it feels like cold winter air we usually only get in December & January.  I ran OK in it--my head and face just felt cold at times.  I only stopped to tie my shoes and refuel and at lights.  I felt I like I ran pretty well and think this training plan is pretty manageable--not too much mileage too soon.  My new shoes feel more broken in too.

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