Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17 - 23

Monday - Rest Day

Not due to weather.  It just works out with my exercise schedule to have this be a rest day.  Hopefully I will stay motivated the rest of the week.

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles

I got out of the door just after 6:40.  Very cold and even snowy.  Not my best run, but not my worst either.  Was just glad I got out.  Was supposed to be a busy day with the preschoolers here.  Turns out Derek got the dreaded cough overnight and is sick.  Kara is still not 100%.  So we're having a relaxing morning at home which is not a bad thing.  Actually getting things accomplished!  I have sore throat coming on so I might be getting it too...we'll see how bad I get it.

Rest of the week = REST

I did get the dreaded cold.  It didn't hit me too bad.  I remember last year still hitting the exercise hard when the cold started and regretting it later.  It took longer to recover.  I did create a training plan to do both the Shamrock 15K and the Stayton Triathlon.  I combined two different training plans and tweaked it to my schedule.  For instance I can only get to the pool Wednesday - Saturday and I can't really bike outside in the mornings until the spring.  I really only do long runs on the weekend.  I am pretty happy with the plan and it officially starts the week Hailey goes back to school.  So I am going to do two weeks of pre-training which will start on Monday. Not sure if I am going to count calories through the whole process, but I might try to stick with it.

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