Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 10-17

Monday - Rest

My legs hurt were so sore when I woke up this morning.  My left thigh hurt to the point I worried I would injure it if I tried to run.  The timing also didn't work out real great to try and exercise today.  So I tackled lots of laundry instead.

Tuesday - Run 2.65 miles

I got out around 6:45 and ran the Ewald route I have not done in quite a while. Crazy lady in a bathrobe standing in front her apartment complex yelling.  Thought at first she was yelling at me, but then I think I saw a phone in her hand.  The run hurt.  I am not injured, but I am sore.  My lungs felt tight and it was hard to inhale.  My abs have been sore and I am not sure if it's from Power, swimming, or maybe biking?  I also gave up sugar this week and Rob doesn't really understand why.  I don't have a good enough reason other than the fact I oversnack this time of year.  I have little tolerance.  I don't gain a lot of weight, but I gain enough that I feel gross.  So far I am doing OK, but we got into the habit of eating a bowl of ice cream every night.  And that's hard to bypass, but I did last night.

Wednesday - Swam 14 minutes, Biked 29 minutes

I really fought getting up this morning.  I just did not want to at all.  But I left the house at 5:55, had to turn around 1/2 mile down the road because I forgot my bathing suit.  Got to the gym around 6:10.  Swimming went fine.  Worked on both speed and endurance.  Biking kicked my butt, but it always does.  I wasn't at Group Ride but on the stationary bikes in the cardio room, but still hard.  I watched the news about the crazy shooting at the Clackamas Mall so that was a big distraction.  I have not caved and have not had any sugar (with the exception of a regular MD yesterday at lunch--which I NEVER drink.  Like one every 3-4 months if that--it was a special lunch).  I don't think as much Diet MD or Diet Coke anymore either--cut back on that a few weeks ago.  No candy, cookies, ice cream, brownies etc.  I got on the scale this morning and my weight is the exact same, but I do feel better mentally and emotionally.  At least I have not gained weight because I ate pretty crappy over the weekend.

Thursday - Group Power & swam 25 minutes

It has been a busy and somewhat tiring week.  We finally didn't have anything on a Thursday night so I went to evening Group Power.  It is a little more lighthearted in the evening and upbeat.  I found the first couple tracks easier versus the morning (because in the morning I am barely awake--I get up only 20 minutes before the warm up officially starts).  Still struggling with triceps--that was the hardest.  I worked really hard and felt good.  They are also more laid back with the time.  We started like 7 seven minutes late (sometimes in the morning she starts a minute or two early) and it was 8:10 by the time we finished.  I didn't get in the pool until 8:20 but I was home by 9.  Swimming went great.  I love swimming at night and there is hardly anyone in the pool area at all.  The only problem with night workouts is that it is next to impossible to get up the next morning to work out.  I am not sure if it is going to happen today (Friday).

Friday - Rest

Saturday - Ran/walked 3.1 miles

I wrote about my and Hailey's experience on my other blog.  It really was not how I pictured it would be.  Not the running so much.  She ran fine and didn't complain about being too tired.  It was the cold.  I had no idea how cold it was.  As I stepped out in the morning it felt somewhat cold, but nothing out of the ordinary. As we started the race it felt brisk.  Thinking we would warm up, we never did.  Hailey was really upset and wanted to quit the first 1/4 mile.  I was a little frustrated.  Hailey has so little pain tolerance and she's been like this since she was a toddler.  She's not very dramatic like her brother and sister.  When it comes to pain or getting hurt, she is.  More so than them.  When she used to get hurt, it was almost like she was mad at Rob and I and wanted to blame us.  She would be literally miserable even if it was a little scrape and it was hard to know how to help her snap out of it--ignore her? punish her? etc. So I wondered if it was that or just nerves.

The course was almost all on grass behind the middle school or trail in Woodmansee Park.  It was very muddy and wet.  Some places it was next to impossible to avoid the puddles.  Our feet were soaked.  It started raining harder and the rain turned to a snow/sleet mix.  She cried or whimpered throughout the whole race.  I tried everything from telling jokes to telling stories to just being quiet to encouraging her--but nothing helped calm her down.  The thing is she didn't quit and she kept going.  She finished.  Although she wasn't so proud of her accomplishment at the time because she was so miserable, she is now.  Even soon after running she said she for sure wants to do another one with me but wants to wait until June or July.

Why we attempted to her first 5K in the worst month weather wise in Oregon--I don't know.  Ignorance, I guess.  After the race it was taking A LONG time to warm her up.  Rob wrapped his leather coat around her and she was shivering and shaking and wanting to curl up in a ball.  I took off her shoes and socks and tried to warm them up with my hands (something I learned from all times sledding in Michigan when your feet go numb).  Rob and I were a little concerned.  About 20 minutes later she perked up and her sense of humor came back.  Her appetite returned when we got home.  She changed clothes, rested on the couch with blankets, ate a little bit, and watched a movie.  An hour later she took a bath and was fine the whole rest of the day.  I didn't realize how cold I was because I was trying to help her.  I wasn't wearing gloves (she was) and my fingers were shaky and cold.  I also drank little water because my water bottle was so cold.  I didn't want to drink something cold.  I drank coffee instead (dumb, I know).  As my body temperature returned, I felt dizzy almost to the point I was seeing stars.  I thought I was going to pass out if I didn't lay down.  An hour or so later, I felt normal again.

This is why I HATE running outside in Oregon in December.  I actually would rather prefer running in Michigan.  In Michigan it is slightly colder, but you stay relatively dry except for an occasional snow shower. Here everything is wet--the ground, the air etc.  You get soaked and your body temperature gets so messed up.  You almost need to have access to a treadmill or run at weird hours to prevent this.  A lot of times our rain comes mid to late morning and is on and off all day.  Lately we have lots of wind and our temps are cold.  43 degrees may not seem cold, but when you're not used to it and when you're wet--it's awful.

I can't wait to run with her again this summer. I am glad she likes it!

Sunday -

I wanted to run in the afternoon but Rob had an emergency business.  We had a massive wind/rain storm again and I didn't think I could handle running in it.

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