Monday, January 21, 2013

15 K & Spring Tri Training Week #3

Monday - Ran 4 miles

Caleb & Jeanelle had Hailey overnight and then Derek & Kara went to VB's house for most of the day.  I was able to run in the early afternoon which hardly ever is doable these days.  Nice cool dry winter day again...perfect.  Was a little bit harder to get in the groove...struggled the first 2 miles.  Once I hit Mile #3 I felt better.  I ran mostly through the Sumpter neighborhood.  The inside of left ankle acts up from time to time.  I might have to ice it.  I ran in bad shoes a couple times a few weeks ago and I think that didn't help.  I have since got rid of those shoes and have been alternating between my new shoes and my other pair I bought last spring.  I really enjoy training for this race because I am only running three times a week.  I like doing the swimming and biking and weights (even though I've not gone to Power since right before Christmas!) along with the running.  I daresay I would train for another marathon if I could just run three days a week.

Tuesday - Rest Day

Needed the rest!

Wednesday - Group Ride & Swam 15 minutes

Have not been to morning group ride on Wednesday mornings in a very long time...if ever.  I have been praying so hard that I would wake up in the morning and be ready to get up and exercise versus feeling overwhelmed and anxious.  It might seem like a strange prayer.  Today I woke up and laid in bed for 2 minutes and knew that I was going to get up and enjoy this day.  Group Ride is getting easier...I can already tell.  I put my bike at a higher gear and am able to stick with it longer.  I push myself more.  Swimming after Group Ride is not as nice as swimming before biking...but it's doable.  I swam freestyle pretty fast.  I am going to time myself again this week and see how many laps I can do in 10 minutes.

Thursday - Group Power & Swam 12 minutes

Have not been to Power in weeks!!  I missed half of the warm up because I hit all red lights.  I hate that!  I feel like everyone is staring at you when you walk in late.  Another person was late too.  I actually kept the weight low so it wasn't too hard of a workout...except the shoulder track...always is a hard workout.  I have not been in several weeks and I am getting another cold which is going back into my sinuses again.  So far not too bad, but it's hard to breathe through my nose at night.  I felt a little dizzy after I got out of the pool, but drank a lot of water and felt ok.  Anyway I love the new Power tracks.  For the second legs track we hardly used the bar at all and did these new lunges which were awesome.  I love the variety.  Sometimes Power gets into a rut.  The first legs track was hard because it hurts my shoulders so bad to have the bar on my back.  My arms always go numb.  I don't have the shoulder pain anymore I had a few weeks ago, but the bar just really irritated it like it was coming back.  I swam 7 laps in 12 minutes which isn't bad.  I didn't stop at all--just kept going.  Would like to work up to a faster pace.  But with the cold and having come from Power, I knew I wouldn't be much faster than that.

I woke up this morning without the alarm and I was wide awake.  It was awesome that I have been having that...not the overwhelming stress I normally feel what I wake up.  :)  The flip side is I have been very distracted this week and feel a little out of sorts mentally.  No anger outbursts or emotional breakdowns or acting edgy...just can't focus or concentrate.  Little things distract me and throw me off.  I have gotten so little done around the house this week.  Thankfully we have a light weekend I may have some extra time.  The first couple weekends in February are pretty busy so I'll just have to enjoy it.

Friday - Ran 4.75 miles on treadmill.  Average pace:  9.20 min miles

I knew I would sleep terrible last night with this cold.  I took some Benadryl.  It's hard to breathe out of my nose.  I woke up at 12:30 to a huge cat fight (and it sounded like another animal was involved) outside my window.  I woke up and immediately thought one of the kids was crying and then wondered if my cat somehow got out of the laundry room--no the house was quiet--it was all outside.  We keep Lena in the laundry room all night and she can go upstairs and sit in the loft room so she'd be a pretty smart cat if she got out.  It took awhile to fall back asleep.  I had to lay on my back (I can sleep on my back if I am tired enough) so I could breathe.  Rob said I slept really restless and snored at times.  I woke up and mouth was all dry.

Anyway I felt good enough to run, but decided to wait until later in the morning. Rob is home most Fridays so I have that advantage. I didn't want to run in the rain because I was afraid it would mess with my body temperature too much and make me feel worse.  So I went to the gym around 10 and forgot how the gym is a crazy madhouse on Friday mid mornings with the seniors having a doughnut potluck after their workout class (doesn't eating doughnuts after you work out defeat the purpose?).  I had to wait for a treadmill.  I pushed myself really hard again and ran for 40 minutes.  I made 4.73 miles total and maintained a 9.20 pace which is not bad.  It was nice to run inside...although I sweat so much.  The fan on the treadmill was clogged with lint...gross!  I will run on Sunday in the rain if I absolutely have to.  Hopefully I am breathing better by then.

Saturday - Swam 20 minutes, Stationary Bike 26 minutes

Today is a great day!  Hailey made her first basket in her basketball game and has been improving SO much since her first game.  On her first game we were like, "Oh dear, what were we doing signing her up for basketball."  She was lost on the court and didn't know what she was doing.  She has really worked hard and pushed forward.

I decided to swim 1/4 mile (which is the same distance for a sprint tri) non-stop and see how long it takes. me.  I did nine laps of freestyle straight with like a 5 second break halfway to drink some water.  It took me fifteen minutes!  I was happy to complete that.  I did one more lap as a cool down.  So ten laps of freestyle in all--no pull buoy or kickboard--straight non-stop laps.  It felt really good.  I just need to keep working on speed and form.

I rode the stationary bike on the random track.  Nothing to exciting, but tried to push myself.

Sunday - Ran 8 miles

It was slightly rainy, but not pouring rain.  I was pretty wet when I came back and it took awhile for my body temp. to get back to normal.  But it was not too uncomfortable.  I did the 8 mile route I used to do when I was training for marathons.  I took the 2X Gu after 4 miles.  I swear the stuff gave me so energy I felt like I could run forever...or maybe it was in my mind?  Not sure, but it was a really good run overall.  Getting excited for Shamrock in less than a month!

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