Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5 - 11

Monday - Ran 2 miles

Kara is worse today.  :(  And it's her birthday.  Even more lethargic and now feels feverish.  Poor girl.  The nice thing is we don't have a lot planned the next two weeks.  So if we have to spend it nursing sick ones or being sick ourselves we can.  No visits from family or any trips for awhile.  No major church events we have to be at.  I guess it's a good time to be stuck at home.  I was productive this morning and did my devotions in the morning and then ran 2 miles.  I did the regular 2 mile square route.  Taking a week off did not set me back.  I felt pretty strong.

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles

Good run today.  I felt a little tight and fatigued starting out.  Once I got into a rhythm I felt good.  Weather was nice and warm and no rain.  Got out the door by 6:30 AM.  I was really productive again which is great.  I have felt so little anxiety and stress since I came from San Diego.  Life just feels more doable right now.  I have continue to be disciplined about getting up in the mornings.  I fight it every single morning.

Wednesday - Swam 20 minutes (12 laps)

I love swimming!!  My brother-in-law was saying as soon as your learn the form, you can just get into a rhythm and swim--same as running.  I never believed I would just be able to do laps like this even a month ago.  I always felt the pool light headed, exhausted, and frustrated.  I did five laps with the pull buoy and seven without.  I took very few breaks in between laps and no breaks in between lengths.  Usually just 5-10 seconds.  It was amazing and I loved it!  Was happy to get out the door by 5:50 AM.  Was home in time to help with the kids and breakfast and still have time to spare.

Even with all the bad eating at the conference, my weight is the same--maybe a half pound more.  But nothing major.  I have eaten really well the last three days.  For it is not as much about what you eat (though I do try to eat healthy and get enough fruits and veggies) but the portion sizes.  I don't need a double portion at every single meal.  I actually have decreased the amount I am eating at breakfast and having a very small snack around 10 AM.

Thursday - Group Power (55 minutes) & Group Ride (45 minutes)

I have not been to Group Power for six weeks because I have been concentrating on swimming.  The alarm went off.  I contemplated not going like I always do.  I got up about 10 minutes later.  I got into the gym about a minute early, but the warm up had already started.  I hate setting up while everyone has started.  But four or five people came in after me so that big of a deal.  Some things have changed with Power--they are using a bench on an incline a lot.  I didn't figure out they were using different risers until halfway through the workout.  I really like some of the new tracks.  I think they debuted last week.  With most of the tracks there is way more variety and you don't have the bar the whole time.  Triceps was the hardest as well as the chest track.  Everything else was pretty good.  I didn't change my weight a whole lot from a couple weeks ago.

Then I went to Group Ride to get my long bike ride in for the week.  Biking outside just may not happen for awhile.  Too dark in the mornings.  Too dark in the evenings.  Too rainy in the afternoons.  Hailey's PE teacher was leading it this morning.  It was pretty tough.  I don't push myself enough in that class because I am little afraid and unfamiliar.  But once I get into the groove of it, I am sure I will enjoy it more.

Friday - Swam 16 minutes & Ran 12 minutes

Trying to figure out what I did because it's now Tuesday as I am writing this.  I went to the gym in the early morning mostly so I could have the whole day to work on things.  Normally I go after I drop off Hailey at school and I'm not back until close to 10.  And the morning is half over.  I liked going in the early morning.  Swimming went fine.  Running was harder.  Not sure if it was because I am not used the treadmill or I pushed myself hard in swimming.  I think some of it is because 12 minutes is such a short distance.  I don't start getting into the groove until 2 miles.  I think the main reason is I just hate the treadmill.

Saturday - Swam with the kids

Used my gym time instead to play with the kids in the pool.  I couldn't go to the gym and work out and then come back home and get the kids.  We didn't have an overly busy day, but we had enough to keep us busy. We also slept in and Rob had to work a couple of hours.

Sunday - Rest

I said I would go for a bike ride is the weather was dry.  It was so nasty rainy and cold all day and a tad bit depressing.  My anxiety was not great as well.  Oh well--the week is over.

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