Monday, June 4, 2012

Seattle Rock and Roll Week #16

Monday - Crunch Boot Camp - 32 minutes

Today was such a crummy day in so many ways.  I am ready to put it behind me.  The weather did not help either!  I think June is the absolutely most depressing month of all them in Oregon.  Even worse than the rainy winter months.  It is summer everywhere else, but here.  Today was cold and rainy.  Tomorrow is even colder (not even hitting the 60's) and constant rain.  I really think our school system should go until the end of the month and then start again in mid to late September.  It makes sense.  September is so warm and beautiful here.  Like the end of the year picnics are probably all going to be rained out.  At least the garden is growing.  Part of the reason it died last year was we had so little nice weather until mid July.  I am praying we don't get a repeat of last summer.  :(  At least we're fleeing Oregon for two weeks of it even if it's bad.

Anyway I did the Boot Camp video I have not done in months.  It was a very nice change of pace.  I've not slacked on the running, but I have slacked on the cross training.  So it was nice to do some aerobics, strength training, and stretching.

Tuesday - Ran 5 miles & 10 minutes of stretching, abs, push-ups

Nice run in the sun that ended in the rain!  Only the last mile was rainy.  The rest was OK.  My body is getting back to normal after being sick.  I started out kind of slow and fatigued, but the energy came as I went on.

I need to stretch the other parts of my body.  I had been lagging on the stretching and cross training which is why my arms, shoulders, abs etc. are all sore today.  Good run.  Better day.

Wednesday - Ran 6 miles

It's a whole week later and I am having a hard time remembering what I did last week let alone the last few days.  I did get up early and got out in the morning which was my goal.  Thankful I accomplished it.  It was a nice, warm sunny morning.

Thursday - Ran 5 miles

Ran again in the morning on the treadmill at the gym.  Was not about to brave the rainy weather.  Hailey's field trip was cancelled which kind of a too bad.

Friday - 4 mile pace run

On the treadmill again in the afternoon.  Lots of cold, wet rain again.  Kind of a crummy way to end the last day of school.  But that's Oregon.  The rain was harder for some reason and I was a little fatigued.  I wasn't as "in to it" and I kept my pace slightly slower.

Saturday - Rest Day

Sunday - Ran 12 miles

My last major long run.  I ran from 6:20 until around 8:20.  It was a great run and I felt pretty good most of the whole thing.  I think my pace was faster than usual because I got done with the first half quicker than anticipated.  I felt anxious at times.  Anxiety about the marathon and certain things going on right now.  The running did help clear my mind overall.

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