Monday, June 18, 2012

Seattle Rock and Roll Week #18

Monday - Ran 4 miles

I got out the door at 6:20 AM and ran a new four mile route--not on Skyline!  It was fine.  I felt good aside from the cold rain the last mile.  Yuk.  I'm a little nervous for the marathon.  I have a lot to do this week as well.  Since Rob came from St. Louis I've made more bad days anxiety wise than good.  I can pin point it to two or three "big" things that are out of the ordinary and thankfully over.  Yet I always struggle in June.  I have ever since we moved here so I was pretty much ready for it.  It's not summer like here--it's cool and rainy off and on.  It's one thing I'll never fully get used to.

After I ran Sacramento I did zero running for like a month.  It took several more months to get into any kind of exercise routine.  It wasn't good.  It was that time my anxiety got way out of control and I had to see my doctor.  It was also a stressful time to be a young mom.  Kara started walking.  Between Kara getting into everything, her strong personality, and Derek's hyperactive and emotional personality--I felt constantly overwhelmed.  I remember trying to make lunch for the kids and my hands would literally shake.  I felt they were out to destroy the house. I just couldn't keep up with them putting stuff everywhere and constantly making messes or breaking things.  It was so tiring trying to leave the house.  I had no gym membership anymore.  Kind of a dark time.

My goal is to take a week off after this marathon.  Then get back into biking & Group Power.  I might do the early morning Group Power on Wednesdays.  The rest of the days try to get up by 6:00 and work out before the kids get up.  It's hard and it takes me forever to wake up.  It takes me a good twenty minutes from about 6 - 6:20 to wake up and get out the door.  I am not a morning person and I never will be.  I benefit from the "alone time" in the morning.  I'm not getting much "alone time" any other time of the day except for the evenings after they go to bed...which is later than the school year.

Tuesday - Ran 3 miles

Good run!  Felt great the whole time. Crummy rain.  Oh well.  Excited to run this weekend!!

Wednesday & Thursday - Rest

It's been nice to have two full days of rest from exercise.  Mentally and physically I am getting ready for Saturday.  I am not as nervous as I was when I ran Portland or Sacramento.  I know I will be once I get there, but I know what to expect.  I know I can do it.  I am even a stronger runner than I was a year ago.

Tomorrow will be my last run before we leave in the late morning.  We should get to the expo in the late afternoon and then check into our motel.  I know I won't sleep much anyway, but I am hoping to get a few decent hours of sleep.  Everyone is healthy and feeling good.

Next week my goal is to just get up and go for a walk each morning.  I need to do that anyway.  Next week is VBS.  Although I am not doing as much as year's past, it is a busy intense week.  I am around eighty kids all morning long and my own kids the rest of the day.  I need that time to myself in the early morning.

The following week I hope to establish some kind of biking/running and Group Power routine.  I am not sure how it's going to look, but I will play around with the schedule and see what I can come up with.

Friday - 2 mile run

I ran first thing and did my regular 2 mile run.  So excited!!

Saturday - Marathon!!

I finished in 4:22:11 - a PR!  You can read about my experience over at Everyday Mom (

Sunday - Major, major rest!!

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