Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 25 - July 1

Monday - 2 mile walk

Well it's another week!!  But I ran a marathon!!! And it was so incredibly awesome!!  I am not going to stop exercising.  Huge mistake I made after both marathons.  I think it caused a mental setback and was not good for me anyway.  I have been successfully staying at the same weight since going off My Fitness Pal.  I'm really happy with this weight.  Unless I gain a bunch of weight, I am going to try and stay off.  I am eating well, snacking minimal, and avoiding junk.

My fitness plan for this week is just to walk and maybe get in the pool.  It's VBS week so things are insanely crazy anyway.  Both the younger two kids had meltdown after meltdown today.  They are SO tired.  And its's only Tuesday.  The house is somewhat put together after some cleaning, but still not great.  Laundry seems to be everywhere.  VBS is going well and I'm enjoying a smaller role this year.  It's been fun to see some new people step and continue this ministry.  It's something we fervently prayed for even when it seemed like doors weren't opening.

I went for a nice walk in the morning air.  Nice to walk and get my body in order.  Still very sore.

Tuesday - 2 mile walk

Not nearly as sore today.  My right hip was hurting last night which was crazy because I had no hip issues at all.  It hasn't seem to bothered me today.  My shoulders don't feel nearly as tight.  My legs are getting back to normal.  The walk really helped again.  If anything it's a peaceful way to start a very crazy day.  The rain is very depressing.  I have really come to accept the Pacific Northwest and all it entails.  I was feeling more at peace with it--not trying to complain about our late start to our summers.  I would love a warm sunny day to sit in the backyard.

Wednesday - Pool (tread water 20 minutes & 10 minutes of easy laps)

It was a very long tiring day, but I headed to pool after the kids went bed.  So nice!  I tread water and then I did easy laps in the warm pool for about ten minutes.  Felt nice to be in the water.  Legs are still a little sore, but my body is getting back to normal.

Thursday - Rest

Nice to have a rest day.  I do think I am going to back on My Fitness Pal next week.  The snacking urge is coming back.  :(  I weighed myself last night and I'm still at the same weight.

Friday - Short walks

Technically I did not exercise today.  I walked to Walgreens.  Not a big workout.  :)  It was really busy wrapping up VBS.  It went so well!  Best VBS week I had in years.  Although I can direct and do it pretty well, I function better in a teacher type position better.  I feel like when I direct, my whole family pays the price.  I do everything so "big" that I create more work for myself.  Plus I'm not so good at delegating.  I think A LOT of people struggle with this, and I am certainly no exception.  Anyway lots and lots of laundry.  The house is a MESS!  I did get some weeding and gardening in so at least the garden looks nice.  Can't say a lot for my house.  I have the weekend to get caught up.

I was thinking of what I want my new workout schedule to look like now that I'm not training for a marathon anytime soon.  In a perfect week, I would love to something like this:

Monday:  Bike
Tuesday:  Run
Wednesday:  Group Power & Run
Thursday:  Bike & Swim
Friday: Group Power & Run
Saturday: Swim
Sunday:  Rest

Not sure if this even possible.  Obviously the runs would be much shorter and the biking and swimming too.  I would be working out the less amount of time than I was doing before.  I could potentially swim in my friend's pool while the kids play.  I could also do intervals at the track while the kids play in the sand pit.  No more long runs on the weekends.  But I also tend to bite off more than I can chew.

And I will be starting My Fitness Pal next week.  But I'm not doing it the week we're in Philly or British Columbia--it's too hard to keep track when you're gone and don't have access to the Internet.

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